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Rumors of Nvidia H20 price reduction continue to impact multiple computing power concept stocks, hitting the limit down

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On May 27th, A-share computing power related concept stocks fell, with Litong Electronics (603629. SH) falling below the limit, Zhenshitong (002771. SZ) and Hongbo Shares (002229. SZ) falling more than 9%, while Ruijie Network (301165. SZ) and Langwei Shares (301202. SZ) followed suit. As of the morning close on the 27th, the stock price of Litong Electronics was at 21.70 yuan/share, Zhenshitong was at 18.10 yuan/share, and Hongbo was at 16.13 yuan/share.
On the news side, last Friday there was news in the industry that Nvidia had lowered the price of the H20 series of artificial intelligence (AI) chips specifically designed for the Chinese market due to poor demand. The servers equipped with eight sets of chips are priced between RMB 1.1 million and RMB 1.3 million per unit.
H20 is three AI chips specifically developed by Nvidia for the Chinese market (HGX H20 The L20 PCle and L2 PCle have the strongest neutral performance. However, once the product was launched, it was questioned by the market because its computing power was far lower than that of Nvidia H100 and H800 chips.
Currently, Nvidia has not responded to the price adjustment information for Chinese products. However, the CEO of the company, Huang Renxun, had previously discussed Nvidia's business in China and stated that it is now facing more intense competition in the Chinese market and will continue to make every effort to serve customers and the market.
The reporter noticed that some of the companies whose stock prices have fallen are those that have previously announced cross-border computing power leasing, such as Hongbo Group, Litong Electronics, Zhenshitong, etc. Both Hongbo Group and Zhenshitong have publicly stated that they have purchased Nvidia's computing power card products. After the above news was reported, an investor asked the secretary of the board of directors of Hongbo Corporation on the investment interactive platform on the 24th, "May I ask which Nvidia computing chip the company purchased?" However, Hongbo Corporation did not directly respond.
For Nvidia, it faces both cost and market pressures, as well as the pressure from competitors in the Chinese market.
At the just concluded 7th Digital China Construction Summit, Gao Tongqing, a member of the China Mobile Party Group and Deputy General Manager, stated that for the first time in the nine day model industry of China Mobile, practice has been carried out on the domestically produced Wanka computer cluster of the entire station. Data shows that in this cluster, the average performance of domestically produced single cards for computing cards has been improved to 95% of the A800. "This not only supports the smooth migration of industry customers to domestic computing power, but also strongly supports the richness and maturity of the domestic computing power ecosystem," said Gao Tongqing.
From the perspective of computing power leasing companies, the halo of owning NVIDIA computing power cards is fading under the dual influence of availability and cost. The staff of the board office of Hongbo Corporation previously told reporters that during the construction of the computing power center, the company does not rule out the possibility of using computing power cards outside of Nvidia.
Regarding the rumored price reduction of Nvidia products and the market performance on the 27th, analysts from Minsheng Securities told reporters that this can be seen as a manifestation of market low-risk preference. "From a different perspective, this indicates that the performance of domestic computing power products is still good," the person pointed out.
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