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Liu Qiangdong takes action! These employees have seen a nearly 100% salary increase

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Liu Qiangdong has another big move!
On the evening of December 27th, JD Group announced that starting from January 1, 2024, the annual fixed salary of frontline business personnel such as JD's procurement and sales has significantly increased by nearly 100%. At the beginning of 2024, JD Retail will have an average salary increase of no less than 20% for all employees.
JD.com has made multiple salary adjustments to its internal employees since last year. On November 22 last year, JD founder Liu Qiangdong stated in an email to all employees that he would implement "one promotion and one reduction" measures for the treatment of employees and executives. In terms of executive compensation, in order to improve the welfare benefits of grassroots employees and minimize the pressure on the company, starting from January 1, 2023, the cash compensation of senior management personnel of JD.com Group will be reduced by 10% -20%, with more reductions occurring at higher positions. In terms of improving employee benefits, JD plans to gradually convert outsourced employees into Debang's own employees, ensuring that outsourced employees can also enjoy the five insurances and one fund benefits of their own employees.
Liu Qiangdong previously stated that JD.com must change, otherwise there is no way out. "I believe we will definitely come out of the trough. Any person or company will go through several peaks and valleys to achieve greatness."
"There have been so many problems, of course, all due to my poor management. I am very self blaming, but no matter what, I will not lie flat, and I hope my brothers will not lie flat." Liu Qiangdong said, "Now the organization is huge, bloated, and inefficient, and it does take time to change." Liu Qiangdong is still criticizing on the internal network, where many people talk about innovation every day, but they just plagiarize and follow others every day.
Recently, JD has been making constant moves.
On November 15th, JD Group announced that Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, will also serve as CEO of JD Retail, effective immediately. Former CEO of JD.com Retail, Xin Lijun, will have another position at JD.com.
On December 27th, according to the rules website of the JD platform, JD revised the "General Rules for Handling Transaction Disputes on the JD Open Platform" from December 18th to 22nd, which added support for user only refunds for transaction disputes. This mode means that consumers do not need to return the restored product. After the refund is completed, they will not be able to initiate a return request for this product again. In addition, the "JD Open Platform After sales Service Management Rules" have also added a standard for refund and non return execution. The adjustment will take effect on the 29th.
According to JD Group's latest performance announcement, the company's revenue in the third quarter of 2023 was 247.7 billion yuan, an increase of 1.7% year-on-year; The net profit was 7.9 billion yuan, compared to 6 billion yuan in the same period last year. (Source: JD Group, Pengpai News, First Financial, Public Information; Compiled by Li Yunpeng)
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