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JD Asset Trading Platform signs a strategic cooperation agreement with Inner Mongolia Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd

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Recently, JD Asset Trading Platform and Inner Mongolia Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Inner Mongolia Financial Assets") signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two sides will carry out a series of cooperation around increasing the management and disposal of non-performing assets, assisting state-owned enterprises in relief and risk prevention, and digital construction of enterprises, to achieve complementary advantages and resource sharing between state-owned and private enterprises, and jointly maintain a good financial ecological environment Contribute to the high-quality development of Inner Mongolia's economy.
In long-term asset disposal services, Inner Mongolia Capital has accumulated rich experience in resolving regional financial risks, supporting regional real economy development, resolving local government debt risks, and relieving local enterprises. This time, we have reached a strategic cooperation agreement with JD Asset Trading Platform. The two sides will establish a normalized cooperation model in terms of digital upgrading of financial asset management and special asset management, promoting the integration of financial asset disposal with the Internet, and efficient disposal of confiscated assets. Through JD Asset Trading Platform's full process asset disposal services, we will digitize the financial asset management and special asset management of Inner Mongolia Capital, On the one hand, it helps to improve the efficiency and transparency of the disposal of confiscated assets. On the other hand, JD has reliable targeted recommendation and precise matching service capabilities, which helps to promote the efficient disposal and realization of confiscated assets by Inner Mongolia Jinzi.
The disposal of financial assets through the internet has become a trend. Both parties will jointly promote the deep integration of the asset sector and the Internet, optimize the operation mode of existing businesses, and expand new business areas. Since its launch in March 2016, JD Asset Trading Platform has fully covered five major business sectors: financial assets, judicial auctions, bankruptcy restructuring and liquidation, government confiscated materials, and state-owned assets. Through an integrated solution of online and offline integration, it is committed to creating an innovative service model that is "digital, market-oriented, and open", providing high-quality and efficient full process service experience for all parties involved in asset disposal. At the same time, JD.com also puts "service" at its core and proposes the "12145 full scenario asset disposal service strategy", connecting the upstream supply chain and downstream investors, providing 14 asset disposal services such as one-stop entrustment, precise matching, and large-scale capital allocation.
Through this strategic cooperation, JD.com will leverage its advantages in the fields of internet and e-commerce, and work together with Inner Mongolia Jinzi to explore innovative ecological environments and operational models for traditional asset management, enriching the internet trading ecosystem. Both sides will cooperate in promoting the efficiency of financial asset disposal and other innovative areas. Inner Mongolia Jinzi will leverage its advantages in asset targets and other resources in the region. JD Asset Trading Platform can provide Inner Mongolia Jinzi with network bidding software technology services, realizing the confiscation of assets, financial assets, and criminal assets of the court, as well as online, digital, and intelligent case handling.
According to the person in charge of JD Asset Trading Platform, Inner Mongolia Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd., as an important strategic partner of JD, has continuously deepened cooperation in the field of special asset disposal since January 2022. As of now, Inner Mongolia Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. has accumulated more than 2500 bids on the JD Asset Trading Platform, with more than 12000 potential applicants and more than 3.17 million onlookers, with a transaction amount exceeding 50 million yuan. Regarding this, Deputy Secretary of Inner Mongolia Jinzi Party Committee General Manager Zhang Jinliang stated: Today's strategic cooperation signing ceremony has opened a new door for both parties to build a technical support platform for asset trading with characteristics of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Our cooperation with JD Auction and JD Technology is only the beginning of our cooperation with JD Group. We eagerly hope to contribute our due strength to the high-quality development of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region through close cooperation, using our service attitude, technical ability, and data strength Quantity
It is understood that since September 2023, JD.com and the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement, the two sides have engaged in in-depth cooperation in areas such as digital economy, industrial transformation, rural revitalization, and consumption boosting. For example, JD Logistics has become an important participant in the construction of the three-level logistics system in Inner Mongolia. Especially in 2023, three new trunk lines, namely Hohhot Suqian, Hohhot Shenyang, and Wuhai Yinchuan, were opened, and the cold chain truck service from Hohhot to Beijing was upgraded from two services per week to one service per day. This overall improved the land transportation efficiency of key provincial capital cities from Inner Mongolia to East China, Inner Mongolia to Northeast China, and Inner Mongolia to Northwest China. JD Technology, on the other hand, assists Inner Mongolia Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. in the construction of its digital public goods warehouse, fully leveraging JD's technological advantages. By combining Inner Mongolia Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd.'s special asset management and disposal sediment data, JD Technology explores the application of big data, cloud computing, intelligent supply chain and other technologies and services in promoting the digital development of asset management, optimizing the special asset disposal process, and continuously carrying out asset data governance and updates, Ensure that asset accounts match reality, business aligns with finance, and provide more effective data support for achieving refined operations in asset management through "speaking with data and making decisions with data". Strengthen enterprise collaboration in areas such as business model innovation and information technology sharing, and continuously promote the upgrading of business efficiency.
The signing of this strategic cooperation agreement marks a new level of in-depth cooperation between JD.com and Inner Mongolia Jinzi in various fields such as financial asset management and digital construction. By using the JD Asset Trading Platform to dispose of asset transaction data and JD Technology to assist in the construction of a digital public goods warehouse system, monitoring and analysis of special asset management data and improving the quality and efficiency of asset dynamic management are carried out, injecting new impetus into further exploration of "asset digital trading" and promoting high-quality development of Inner Mongolia's economy.
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