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The "Super Store" strategy of Miniso's flagship store opening in Shanghai is rapidly advancing nationwide

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Mingchuang Youpin's flagship store in Shanghai officially made its debut in the core business district of Huaihai Middle Road in Huangpu District, Shanghai on the 23rd. Liu Xiaobin, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of Mingchuang Youpin Group, stated at the opening that as a leading urban consumer destination and a gathering place for trendy culture, the Huaihai Road business district has gathered multiple domestic and foreign trendy brands, with great potential for imaginative consumption. The new flagship store of Mingchuang Youpin will better meet the trendy needs of the younger generation and stimulate local consumers to have a deeper level of trendy consumption vitality.
As one of the most influential international consumption centers, Shanghai is currently moving towards a trillion dollar consumption market for fashion consumer goods. According to official data, the number of new first and flagship stores in Shanghai this year ranks first in the country. The flagship store of Miniso Shanghai is located in the core area of Huaihai Middle Road, covering over 3000 trendy lifestyle items, and will create an "IP amusement park" style scene based shopping experience for consumers.
According to the latest financial report of Miniso, as of September 30th, Miniso has achieved an important milestone of over 6000 global stores. Under the strategy of "big stores creating big performance", Miniso creates "super stores" through three levels: global flagship stores, national flagship stores, and city flagship stores/image stores.
City flagship stores and city image stores, as important parts of Miniso's "super stores," have laid a solid foundation for Miniso's performance growth and brand upgrading. It is understood that Miniso has successively established city flagship stores and city image stores in more than 10 core business districts, including Chengdu, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Wuhan, Taiyuan, Ganzhou, Xiamen, Hangzhou, etc., this year. Among them, the monthly sales of Miniso Guangzhou flagship store exceeded 5 million yuan, breaking the domestic monthly sales record of Miniso.
According to Liu Xiaobin, Miniso showcases the creativity of IP through numerous innovations such as scene upgrades, experience upgrades, and IP content upgrades, driving product sales through IP scenarios and unleashing the vitality of IP trend consumption.
In September this year, Miniso launched its first original IP DUNDUN chicken themed store in Wuhan. In October, Miniso opened its first IP limited themed store with Sanrio as its theme in Indonesia. With sales exceeding RMB 450000 on its first day of operation, it set a new historical high for Southeast Asian stores.
According to Miniso, on the path towards becoming a global "super brand", Miniso will continue to explore new ways of empowering consumer growth through store experiences, continuously building content highlands through interest consumption, revitalizing store upgrades through IP strategies, and creating immersive shopping experiences for consumers; At the same time, with replicable experience in super stores, we will promote the landing of more flagship stores worldwide.
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