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Tesla Energy Storage Factory signs a contract to acquire land, opening a new chapter in global production layout

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On December 22nd, Tesla held a land acquisition signing ceremony with the Lingang New Area Management Committee in Shanghai, announcing the official start of this milestone project.
As early as April 9th this year, Tesla signed a contract with Lingang New Area for the Tesla Energy Storage Super Factory project, opening a new chapter in Tesla's development in Lingang New Area. The Tesla Energy Storage Super Factory project will plan to produce ultra large commercial energy storage batteries (Megapacks) to supply the global market. The factory plans to start construction in the first quarter of 2024 and start production in the fourth quarter. The initial plan is to produce 10000 commercial energy storage batteries annually, with a storage capacity of nearly 40GWh.
It is reported that the Tesla Energy Storage Super Factory project is located in the Lingang New Area. In the development of energy storage products, Tesla pays special attention to components highly related to environmental protection and safety, such as coolant pipelines, electronic components, thermal management systems, chemicals, etc. Tesla will ensure stable quality of parts and overall systems through strict supplier selection and quality control processes.
Looking ahead to the future, Tesla will further explore and research the independent research and manufacturing of high-tech components in the energy storage field, improve the level of intelligent manufacturing, seize emerging opportunities, consolidate the knowledge foundation of component development, and cultivate high-quality supply chain professionals.
It is reported that Tesla is not only a leader in the new energy vehicle industry, but also a leader in the new energy storage industry. Its energy storage products, including Powerwall, Powerpack, and Megapack, are currently distributed in over 65 countries and regions worldwide, with over 1500 operational sites and a total installed capacity of over 10 gigawatt hours. Among them, Megapack has already used renewable energy to supplement and ensure local electricity in many regions such as North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe.
Tesla stated that Megapack has covered the global market with its innovative features of high energy density, modular integration design, and integrated flexible electrical power and capacity configuration. This multi security designed energy storage solution not only improves energy efficiency, but also sets new standards in environmental protection.
The construction and operation of Tesla's energy storage super factory is not only an important optimization of its global production layout, but also a profound investment in the future of sustainable energy, and an important step towards realizing the global vision of transforming towards sustainable energy. This measure marks a solid step for Tesla in promoting the development of Shanghai's new energy storage industry and its green and low-carbon transformation. Tesla expects to continuously drive the progress of the global energy industry and contribute significantly to the global green transformation through these innovative energy storage solutions.
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