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Baidu World · Financial Model Frontier Development Forum is about to open, and the four highlights are to be seen first

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On October 17th, the eagerly anticipated Baidu World 2023 will kick off at Beijing Shougang Park. The theme of this conference is "PROMPT THE WORLD", which will focus on showcasing Baidu's latest technologies and products in fields such as big models. As an important component of the conference, the "Financial Big Model Frontier Development Forum" hosted by Du Xiaoman will open in the afternoon of the same day, exploring new ideas for the application of financial big model scenarios, embracing the infinite possibility of Al native applications reshaping the entire process of financial services, and jointly seizing the innovative development opportunities brought by new technologies. What surprises and highlights will this financial model forum bring?
Highlight 1: Famous academicians give heavyweight speeches with a strong guest lineup
Since the introduction of the Big Model into people's vision, both academia and industry have actively participated in this "space race". The big model brings new momentum to technological evolution and infinite industrial space to China's digital economy. In this forum, renowned academicians were invited to give a heavyweight speech, sharing their insightful insights on the trend of large model technology and industry implementation.
Highlight 2: Exploring the possibility of AI native applications in the financial field
At this forum, Du Xiaoman CEO Zhu Guang, Du Xiaoman Chief Risk Officer Sun Yunfeng, and Du Xiaoman Chief Technology Officer Xu Dongliang will also bring their respective dry goods to share, and will also reveal the application exploration of generative AI in the credit field. At the same time, numerous industry guests were also invited to discuss the possibility of AI native thinking in the restructuring of financial services.
Highlight 3: Theory of Industry, University, and Research, Pointing to Key Issues in the Big Model
The financial industry is a scene rich and highly digitized industry. For this reason, the financial industry has always been considered one of the best scenarios for implementing large models. On the other hand, finance is a highly compliant industry with complex business decisions. Realizing the practical application of large models in financial business still faces many challenges.
How to quickly implement the application of large models has become a real problem for the development of the financial industry. At this forum, guests from various sectors of industry, academia, and research will have in-depth exchanges on key issues related to the technology implementation and application research and development of financial models, and jointly explore solutions.
Highlight 4: Insight into trillion yuan of added value
McKinsey's research shows that large models and generative AI can further expand the "value pool" of the financial industry, bringing new value of $200 billion to $340 billion to the banking industry. Du Xiaoman has a deep accumulation in the field of financial big models and has achieved breakthrough achievements. The recently opened "Xuanyuan 70B" financial model ranks first on the C-Eval and CMMLU authoritative language model lists. This forum will also lead everyone to explore the future of the trillion dollar financial model market.
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