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The integrated die-casting project of Xiaopeng Automobile was selected for the second Jinlan Cup ESG Excellent Case List

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Recently, the second Jinlan Cup ESG Excellent Case List organized by China Economic Information Agency, a subsidiary of Xinhua News Agency, was officially released. The integrated die-casting project of Xiaopeng Automobile Manufacturing Base was selected and awarded the "Excellent Case of Green and Low Carbon Technology Innovation". According to the list, Xiaopeng Automobile is the only new power car company selected, and only four car companies in the automotive industry, namely Xiaopeng Automobile, FAW Volkswagen, FAW Hongqi, and Tesla, were selected for this list.
The picture shows the award certificate provided by Xiaopeng Automobile

Industry analysis suggests that the development of new energy vehicles carries the historical mission of alleviating oil resource pressure, reducing environmental pollution, and achieving structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading of China's automotive industry. With the inclusion of "carbon peak" and "carbon neutrality" in national development strategies, the automotive industry has become a key industry promoting energy conservation and emission reduction. Automotive components tend to develop towards lightweight, and energy conservation and emission reduction have made body lightweight an inevitable trend in the development of traditional automobiles.
It is reported that in order to successfully achieve the production capacity target of the 14th Five Year Plan, expand brand influence and market share, Xiaopeng Automobile is based on the development tone of self research throughout the entire stack, striving to create a world-class benchmark in the automotive industry. In response to the national "dual carbon" strategy, Xiaopeng Automobile takes into account the low-carbon and environmentally friendly characteristics of its products in the product design stage. By building an efficient and low emission global advanced digital intelligent die-casting factory, it reduces the carbon footprint of the entire vehicle product from material acquisition, vehicle manufacturing, user use, recycling and other stages, achieving carbon reduction throughout the vehicle's entire life cycle.
Xiaopeng Automobile's front and rear integrated aluminum die-casting technology is currently a mass-produced front and rear integrated aluminum die-casting technology in China, with a maximum die-casting force of 12000 tons. It is formed in one die-casting process to create a revolutionary and innovative body structure. Integrated die casting achieves lightweight vehicle body by increasing the proportion of aluminum alloy used in the vehicle, reducing manufacturing and welding processes, thereby reducing energy consumption, increasing recovery rate, reducing product carbon emissions, and bringing customers a safer, more reassuring, and quieter driving experience.
Xiaopeng Automobile introduces that as one of the leading intelligent electric vehicle design and manufacturers in China, it will continue to strive to promote a series of innovative technology applications, including integrated die-casting, to drive the rapid growth of upstream and downstream industries in the relevant industry chain, promote the low-carbon transformation of the entire industry chain enterprises, respond to the national "dual carbon" strategy with technological innovation, and lead the transformation of green travel.
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