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Have you ever been harassed by "shake" jump ads? Apple officials are going to ban it

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Recently, Apple announced that it will prohibit app apps from redirecting any form of advertising through the "shake" function. According to media reports, since November, Apple has notified multiple top apps in China to remove gyroscope permissions, and the "shake and jump" ads have been banned.
This move immediately received a large number of positive reviews and support from netizens, and the news once made it to the top 10 on Weibo's hot search list.
What is' shake '? Experienced WeChat users should have heard of the feature of shaking and matching chat. With a gentle shake, you can match a user who is shaking and chatting with you at the same time. After successful matching, you can still see the distance between them, which was quite popular at that time. The principle of its use is to use the built-in acceleration sensor (gyroscope) of the phone to sense the shaking of the phone, and then make judgments based on the strength and frequency of the shaking, triggering corresponding functions.
However, gradually, this function was borrowed by others and a "new pattern" emerged.
Citizen Xiao Wang has always encountered a "problem" when browsing Weibo recently, because with just a gentle shake, Weibo will automatically open another e-commerce app and have to forcibly close one. "I have the urge to uninstall those e-commerce apps, but I always want to use them, and I don't know how to block such advertisements
A netizen is describing an experience similar to that of Xiao Wang
At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Further Improving the Service Capability of Mobile Internet Applications", which mentioned the relevant items related to the "shake and shake" pop-up window, requiring app developers not to interfere with user experience or induce users to visit other websites in this way.
It is understood that in addition to Apple, similar issues have also occurred on Android phones. Currently, major social media platforms have not responded to this news.
The Chao News reporter found Zhu Jieping, a specially invited researcher of the China Policy Science Research Association and founding partner of Tai Kun Law. He told the Chao News reporter that if an advertisement is suspected of breaking the law by shaking and jumping without consent, according to Article 1033 (1) of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, except as otherwise provided by law or with the explicit consent of the rights holder, no organization or individual shall use phone calls, text messages Intruding others' private lives through instant messaging tools, emails, flyers, and other means. The act of redirecting advertisements without consent is an intrusion into the tranquility of personal life.
When an app shakes to places that users don't want to go, which affects the user experience, it is inevitable to be restricted and prohibited. Previously, including manufacturers such as Xiaomi, they had actively blocked redirected advertisements by incorporating relevant functions into the system. So, would Apple's practice of banning from the source be more effective?
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