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South Korea will launch its first military spy satellite at the end of the month, which will monitor North Korea in real-time independently of the United States

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The South Korean Ministry of Defense announced on Monday (November 6th) that it plans to launch its first domestically produced reconnaissance satellite by the end of this month to better monitor its rival North Korea, which is expanding its nuclear arsenal.
North Korea may be constrained by technical issues and did not launch its third military spy satellite as expected in October. The South Korean Ministry of Defense took the opportunity to announce its own reconnaissance satellite launch plan. South Korea's Ministry of Defense spokesperson, Jeong Hee Kui, stated on Monday that the country's first military spy satellite will be launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on November 30th.
This satellite will be carried by SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket. The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) of South Korea stated that under the contract signed with SpaceX, South Korea plans to launch four more spy satellites before 2025.
South Korea currently does not have its own military reconnaissance satellites, but relies on US spy satellites to monitor North Korea's movements.
Having its own spy satellite will enable South Korea to have an independent space-based space surveillance system that can monitor North Korea in almost real-time. Li Chungen, Honorary Researcher at the South Korean Institute of Science and Technology Policy, stated that when these satellites operate together with South Korea's so-called "Three axis System", which is a strategic and tactical system consisting of a pre emptive strike "kill chain" system, a "Korean missile defense system", and a "large-scale retaliatory operation", South Korea's overall defense against North Korea will be significantly strengthened.
Li Chungen pointed out that US spy satellites can provide higher resolution images, but these satellites operate according to US strategic goals, not South Korea. He stated that the United States sometimes does not share satellite photos containing highly sensitive information with South Korea.
In 2022, South Korea launched a so-called "performance observation satellite" into orbit using domestically produced rockets, becoming the 10th country in the world to successfully launch a satellite using its own technology. Observers say that South Korea's launch last year proved its ability to launch satellites heavier than spy satellites, but more testing is needed to ensure the reliability of the rocket.
North Korea also desires to have its own spy satellite. However, the two satellite test launches earlier this year both failed due to technical reasons. At that time, North Korea stated that it would conduct its third test launch in October, but it did not launch as scheduled, and the official media did not explain the reason.
South Korean Unification Minister Kim Yong ho revealed on Monday that North Korea's spy satellite launch plan was delayed by the country's advance notice and may be related to North Korea receiving technical assistance from Russia. In addition, the South Korean National Intelligence Agency stated that North Korea is in the final preparation stage for its third satellite launch and stated that the launch is likely to be successful.
According to a report by Yonhap News Agency on November 3rd, North Korea's Xihai Satellite Launch Site located in Dongcangli, Pyongan Hokkaido, was observed by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at least three times last month, indicating that preparations may be underway for the third launch of a military reconnaissance satellite. According to the report, North Korea conducted test launches on May 31 and August 24 this year at a new launch site located about 3 kilometers southeast of the launch site, and lights were observed in the area before the test launch.
Possessing spy satellites is part of North Korean leader Kim Jong un's arms development plan announced in 2021. Kim Jong un stated that North Korea also needs more mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles, nuclear powered submarines, hypersonic weapons, and multi warhead missiles to cope with the increasing "US military threat".
(This article is based on a report by the Associated Press.)
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