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Sohu Zhang Chaoyang commented on AIGC: Do not underestimate within ten years, do not overestimate within two years

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On November 9th, at the "Internet Entrepreneurs Forum" of the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit, Zhang Chaoyang, founder of Sohu, chairman of the board of directors and CEO, and PhD in physics, held a roundtable dialogue with internet entrepreneurs. He said that the issue of AIGC (Generative Artificial Intelligence) is too hot, but it cannot be underestimated within ten years and overestimated within two years. This technology is also applied in Sohu videos, such as generating subtitles immediately after the live broadcast of "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class".
Innovation is not a sudden whim, it is a continuous iteration of the product
From internet godfather to physical internet celebrity, Zhang Chaoyang has added an identity tag through knowledge dissemination. He admitted that "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class" is an innovative move by Sohu Video, and the results have been very good in the past two years. As the representative IP of Sohu's video knowledge live streaming, "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class" has been live streaming for more than 180 sessions, with an online duration of over 17670 minutes, recording over 1000 manuscripts, and publishing two popular science works of the same name.
He believes that innovation is not a sudden whim, but a serious daily learning of new knowledge and continuous iteration of products. For consumer internet products, the ultimate pursuit and continuous iteration are very important. After accumulating for a long time, innovation becomes the essence of your product
Scale up video socializing and knowledge live streaming
The World Internet Conference has ushered in its tenth year, and Zhang Chaoyang believes that "social interaction", "algorithm recommendation and AIGC", and "self media" are the three clues to the Internet in recent years. He stated that this is a gradual stage towards visualization, and "the process of visualization is still ongoing and in the ascendant, with a large market
In the future, Sohu will make efforts in three aspects. On the one hand, Sohu News will continue to distribute 1.0 and 2.0 social media in terms of text, news, and media, as well as the application of AI technology, making it the best news and news platform in China; On the other hand, Sohu Video will scale up in terms of video socializing and knowledge live streaming. In addition, the gaming industry will continue to develop and apply new technologies, including AI and metaverse, to "continue to provide people with high-quality entertainment and leisure life
Pay close attention to the big model and apply the development achievements to consumer products
With the continuous popularity of artificial intelligence technology and applications worldwide, big models and AIGC technology have become one of the hotspots of this year's Wuzhen Summit. Zhang Chaoyang has also discussed this topic multiple times with internet tycoons. He believes that "within ten years, we cannot underestimate it, and within two years, we cannot overestimate it. Video is still more important than AIGC, and the process of internet visualization is happening deeply." However, AIGC has made rapid progress, improving the efficiency of word processing, such as the processing of text and video content.
Zhang Chaoyang also demonstrated the application scenarios of AIGC technology in Sohu videos on site, such as the automatic generation of subtitles after the live broadcast of "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class". This technique works very well when used to process text, but it is not suitable for formulas in physics and mathematics. After learning a few more times, the writing becomes accurate. Previously, Zhang Chaoyang stated that Sohu will not invest in the research and development of large models, but will closely monitor the development status of this technology and apply its achievements to consumer products.
Sun Wenxuan, a reporter for Shell Finance at the New Beijing News
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