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Israel claims the army has advanced to the center of Gaza City

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Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said on Tuesday (November 7th) that the Israeli Defense Forces are currently operating in Gaza City, which is the center of Hamas operations.
Galant told reporters, "We have arrived at the heart of Gaza City, which is the largest terrorist base to date
Galant also made it clear that neither Hamas nor Israel will rule Gaza at the end of the war. Since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th, Gaza has been subjected to Israeli air strikes.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu previously stated that Israel would consider a short-term cessation of military operations, allowing humanitarian supplies to arrive in the Gaza Strip and hostages controlled by Hamas militants to leave, but ruled out a general ceasefire.
Netanyahu told ABC News that he believes Israel will have "comprehensive security responsibility" towards Gaza indefinitely after achieving its goal of eradicating Hamas
He said, "When we have no security responsibility, there will be a huge outbreak of Hamas terror that we cannot imagine
On October 7th, Hamas attacked Israel and killed 1400 people, kidnapping more than 240 hostages. The Gaza Ministry of Health, managed by Hamas, says the Israeli attack has resulted in over 10000 deaths.
The White House said on Monday that President Joe Biden and Netanyahu had a phone call to discuss the possibility of a tactical pause, allowing Gaza civilians to safely leave the fighting area, ensuring that civilians in need receive assistance, and how to release hostages.
Biden reiterated his firm support for Israel's crackdown on Hamas, while emphasizing the need to protect Palestinian civilians and reduce civilian harm among military actors. He also expressed his views on the situation in the West Bank and expressed the need to hold extreme settlers accountable for violence.
Vice State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel said that the United States has helped more than 400 US citizens, legal permanent residents, and "other eligible individuals" leave Gaza.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that 50 trucks carrying food, medicine, health supplies, bottled water, and hygiene supplies entered the Gaza Strip from Egypt on Monday, resulting in an increase in the number of trucks entering since October 21st to 526. The Israeli authorities still prohibit the entry of fuel.
The Group of Seven has started a two-day meeting of foreign ministers in Japan to discuss the Israeli-Kazakhstan conflict. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he would introduce the results of his four-day visit to the Middle East at the meeting.
White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby expressed in a video speech Monday that he hopes for an early humanitarian pause in Gaza.
He said that the United States will continue to consult with Israel when necessary, and there are some signs that efforts are being made to reduce the associated losses in Gaza. But he cautioned, "I don't want to say much about it
Kobe said that thousands of innocent civilians have been killed, "every death is a tragedy, and we don't want to see any innocent lives taken away
He said that the United States is doing its best to urge Israeli leaders to be as careful as possible in military operations. But he reminded that Israel is also cracking down on enemies hidden among civilians.
Israel denies deliberately targeting innocent Palestinians in Gaza, stating that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, digs tunnels under hospitals, and transports combatants in ambulances.
Jordan said on Monday that Israel's intensified bombing and invasion of the Gaza Strip failed to distinguish between military and civilian targets, and Jordan's response to this will include "all options".
Prime Minister Bisher al Khasawneh did not disclose the specific steps Jordan would take. Jordan has recalled its ambassador to Israel in protest against Israel's attack on Gaza.
Hasawana told national media that "Jordan will consider all options when dealing with Israel's invasion of Gaza and its consequences." Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994.
(This article references reports from The Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France Presse.)
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