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When will the Ledao L60 be delivered? Response has arrived

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The first batch of Ledao L60 is expected to be delivered to users on September 23rd.
On the afternoon of September 23rd, Ledao Automobile released the first issue of Ledao Q&A related content. Regarding the delivery time of the Ledao L60, Ledao Automobile responded by saying, "Due to the explosive order of the Ledao L60, we immediately contacted all our core partners to find ways to increase resource investment and boost production capacity. The expected delivery date will change accordingly, and we will need to update it to all major customers by Monday afternoon. The first batch of Ledao L60 is expected to be delivered to users on September 23rd
Regarding online doubts about the slow charging of the Ledao L60, Ledao Motors stated: "Firstly, Ledao charging is not slow, from 10% to 80%, it only takes 25 minutes. Secondly, the charging speed is also affected by charging stations, as high-power stations can charge faster. However, there are often many stations in one station, and if there are more than two stations, when three stations charge at the same time, there will be a diversion, and the charging speed will decrease. Finally, if it is only faster than fast, Ledao can complete the battery change in 2 minutes and 40 seconds, which is faster than all electric vehicles. In addition, the most important issue is the health of the battery. Ledao's charging speed is rigorously calculated and has an impact on battery health. The most friendly charging speed. At the same time, every battery change is a health check for the battery. Therefore, users of the Ledao L60 do not need to worry about battery degradation and other issues
How do Ledao and NIO share the power exchange station and what is the queue order? Regarding this, Ledao Automobile stated that NIO currently has over 2500 battery swapping stations, and by the end of this year, Ledao can share more than 1000 battery swapping stations, namely third-generation and fourth generation stations. Starting from June this year, NIO will gradually begin the renovation of its third-generation stations, and after the renovation is completed, the Ledao L60 can be shared and used; All the new battery swapping stations that NIO has been building since July are fourth generation stations, so Ledao can naturally use them.
It is reported that on September 19th, NIO's second brand, Ledao, launched its first new car L60. Recently, NIO founder and chairman Li Bin stated in an interview with Securities Times reporters that the company will not release order battle reports, but the backend server has been expanded five times, and the L60 has indeed exploded in orders.
According to industry analysis, the reason for the product's explosive orders is twofold: on one hand, it is due to the rich configuration of the product, and on the other hand, it is also due to its high cost-effective pricing.
According to public information, the Ledao L60 is positioned as a pure electric sedan for families in the 200000 yuan class, equipped with a full range 900V high-voltage architecture, NT. Coconut Ledao intelligent system, and other research and development achievements. The national coverage rate of NOA for high-speed urban navigation assistance is 99.99%; The full scene navigation assisted NOA can cover over 2700 county-level administrative regions.
In terms of pricing, the Ledao L60 has provided a pricing far beyond market expectations: it is reported that the new car has a standard range of 60kWh and a price of 206900 yuan; Long endurance of 85kWh, priced at 235900 yuan. Adopting BaaS battery rental service, the price is as low as 149900 yuan.
Li Bin stated that according to the current pricing, the Ledao L60 still has a gross profit margin, and the company will not price it below the gross profit margin.
The reason why we were able to offer such an unexpected price is mainly due to NIO's mature supply chain system and accumulated research and development achievements in the early stage. "Li Bin emphasized that NIO's foundation laid in the early stage can provide good cost reduction space for Ledao, but cost reduction does not mean configuration reduction. Ledao L60 is a product that is strictly built according to the current market user needs, and every product function fully considers the interests of users.
In fact, after the launch of the Ledao L60, the industry will focus more on the rental battery car purchase method that starts at 149900 yuan. At present, NIO has pioneered the "car electric separation" car purchasing method in the industry, and has continued this model all the way to the level of the Ledao brand.
Li Bin said that the price of renting batteries for users is equivalent to the cost of a box of oil every month, but the driving experience they enjoy is completely different. The company hopes that the Ledao L60 will become an important challenger to traditional joint venture mid size SUV gasoline vehicles, allowing these gasoline vehicle users to experience the upgraded experience brought by intelligent electric vehicles as soon as possible. This is the mission undertaken by the Ledao L60.
The trend of oil to electricity conversion is very obvious now, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles has exceeded 50%. Li Bin believes that the trend of oil to electricity conversion is irreversible. Although some users still hesitate and choose extended range and plug-in hybrid models, more and more users will purchase electric vehicles in one go.
At the same time as the surge in orders, the industry is also very concerned about Ledao's capacity ramp up issue. In response to this, Li Bin said that the information revealed at the previous financial report meeting was slightly conservative. The company is making every effort to increase production capacity internally, and is expected to produce 5000 units in October, 10000 units in December, 16000 units in January next year, and 20000 units in March next year.
It is reported that the Ledao L60 is located at the NIO F2 factory in Xinqiao, Hefei, where the NIO ET5 model is also produced. Li Bin stated that the factory can support the monthly production of 10000 NIO products and 20000 Ledao products. Currently, the company is working with supply chain partners to increase production capacity.
As NIO's second brand, the industry is also very concerned about NIO's future investment and resource allocation towards the two brands. In response, Li Bin said that NIO and Ledao are positioned in completely different markets. NIO's brand is aimed at the high-end market, and its competitors are BMW, Mercedes Benz, and Audi. Therefore, it will adopt the service standards of the high-end market, especially in terms of community maintenance; Ledao is positioned in the mainstream mass market, with its main competitors being Tesla, Toyota, Volkswagen, etc. Therefore, this brand aims to provide users with value for money.
Li Bin revealed that NIO, Ledao, and the upcoming Firefly brand will actively promote their layout in the global market. However, NIO will focus more on markets such as Europe, while Ledao and Firefly will consider Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and especially the Japanese market. Ledao will seriously consider this.
The first episode of Le Dao Q&A is as follows:
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