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The three major futures indexes fluctuated steadily before the US stock market opened; Oracle raises revenue expectations, stock price rises 6%; Boeing workers voted to go on strike; Hyundai and General Motors will collaborate to develop new cars

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① As of press time, Dow Jones futures rose 0.18%, S&P 500 futures rose 0.22%, and Nasdaq futures rose 0.11%.
② On September 12th local time, due to the optimistic outlook for cloud revenue, Oracle raised its revenue forecast for the 2026 fiscal year and released an optimistic forecast for the 2029 fiscal year. As of press time, Oracle's stock has risen 6% in pre-market trading.
③ On September 12th local time, Adobe released its third quarter financial report. Although its third quarter earnings exceeded expectations, its AI sales forecast for the fourth quarter fell short of Wall Street's expectations. Investors have doubts about the profitability of Adobe's newly released AI tools. As of press time, Adobe has fallen by 8.33%.
④ On September 12th local time, Boeing workers voted to reject a temporary agreement reached between the union and the company. They voted in support of the strike starting from September 13th local time, which will suspend production of the 737 Max. As of press time, Boeing fell 3.86% in pre-market trading.
⑤ On September 13th local time, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Affairs of Poland announced that the European Commission has approved Poland to provide over 1.91 billion US dollars in national aid to Intel's chip factory. As of press time, Intel has risen by 0.72%.
⑥ On September 12th local time, the Office of the Superintendent of the Currency, the highest banking regulatory agency in the United States, announced that it has taken enforcement action against Wells Fargo due to deficiencies in its risk management practices. Regulatory authorities have stated that there are deficiencies in the financial crime risk management practices and anti money laundering internal controls of Wells Fargo.
⑦ On September 12th local time, Mastercard announced that it will acquire threat intelligence firm Recorded Future from private equity firm Insight Partners for $2.65 billion. Threat intelligence refers to the analysis and collection of information about potential cyber threats that can help businesses predict, prevent, and respond to various security threats. This acquisition will bring expanded threat intelligence capabilities to Mastercard, enhancing its proactive defense capabilities against cyber attacks.
⑧ On September 13th local time, Hyundai Motor of South Korea and General Motors of the United States announced that they will collaborate on joint product development, manufacturing, and future clean energy technologies. Both parties also plan to cooperate in the development of new vehicles in the fields of internal combustion engines, clean energy, electric vehicles, and hydrogen powered vehicles. The CEO of General Motors stated that the collaboration between the two parties is aimed at providing customers with more competitive cars faster and more efficiently.
⑨ At 20:30 Beijing time, the US import price index for August was month on month.
Disclaimer: The content and data in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before use. Based on this operation, the risk is borne by oneself.
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