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Zunyi C City Plan, Ctrip Helps Open a New Chapter in Zunyi's Cultural and Tourism Industry

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As a city with the license plate "expensive C", can Zunyi debut in the C position?
On September 20th, guided by the Zunyi Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism and organized by Ctrip Travel, the "Zunyi C City Plan Product Launch Conference" was launched at the Yunmen Store in Zunyi.
What are the attractive features of this city adjacent to Chongqing? How to make it more convenient?
The launch of the Zunyi C-city cultural and tourism project aims to integrate Zunyi's most unique and eye-catching resources into Ctrip's C-brand city planning products. Together with numerous C-brand cities across the country, we will unlock traffic codes, enhance the brand awareness and influence of C-brand cities, and allow tourists to enjoy more beautiful scenery and experience a better life.
Zhang Guoqiang, Vice President of Ctrip Group, stated that with the arrival of the "City C-Position Debut Plan" in Zunyi, Ctrip Travel will work hand in hand with Zunyi to fully leverage their respective strengths, support each other, and jointly create the "C-City Plan" for Zunyi's cultural and tourism industry. We hope that through continuous innovation and efforts from both sides, more tourists can learn about Zunyi, come to Zunyi, and experience its unique charm.
It is reported that Ctrip launched its "City C-Position Debut Plan" for the first time in 2023, introducing the concept of "C-Brand City" and collaborating with 27 cities with the license plate number C to create a new cross provincial tourism promotion brand. This year, it has further developed into the C-city strategy and established the Ctrip C-brand City Culture and Tourism Alliance - China Charm 27 (CC27 Alliance), which focuses on promoting 27 C-cities, integrating marketing resources, enhancing market influence through joint marketing strategies, and jointly promoting the trend of "visiting C-cities".
At the press conference, the travel recommendation officer of Zunyi provided a detailed introduction to the specific products of the Zunyi C City Plan, leading everyone to get to know "GuiC" Zunyi and embark on a journey of intoxicating beauty. Zunyi's C is not only a "C-rank" C, but also a super "COOL" light outdoor journey in the mountains of Yunnan and Guizhou. It is a "City" journey full of tea and wine, and a leisure "Chill" mountain kingdom vacation. In Zunyi, every tourist participating in the C City Plan will receive VIP attentive services, whether it is hotel services, travel vehicles, food and beverage recommendations, or professional guides. Tourists will experience a one-stop boutique tourism route and services that make them feel at home.
This event is one of the series of activities of the "Chishui River Valley September 9th Second Zunyi Sauce Wine Festival". At this event, Ctrip Travel also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Zunyi Tourism Group, and the two sides will carry out deeper cooperation in multiple fields such as cultural tourism industry empowerment, cultural tourism innovative product research and development, cultural tourism marketing and promotion, and inbound tourism cooperation.
In the future, Ctrip will cooperate more closely with Zunyi Tourism Group. On the one hand, by introducing customized tourism routes and high-end service facilities, Ctrip will create a number of high-quality tourism projects suitable for domestic and foreign tourists, and promote the landing of a series of cultural tourism products; On the other hand, Ctrip will help Zunyi truly establish its "C" position in the cultural and tourism industry through six core contents, including communication node planning, content marketing innovation, co creation of unique gameplay, consumer conversion incentives, and industry development promotion, among others, to open up new formulas and models for expanding its circle.
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