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Assist in data and AI inclusive Amazon cloud technology to promote the implementation of generative AI technology

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Recently, Amazon Cloud Technology held a generative AI builder conference in Beijing, where attendees discussed and exchanged ideas on popular topics in the field of generative AI, such as application scenarios, data bases, and AI native application construction. The conference also established a developer forum and a power training camp to help more developers get started with generative AI development.
Chen Xiaojian, General Manager of Amazon Cloud Technology's Greater China Product Department, gave a presentation titled "Empowering a New Era of Generative AI, Helping Data and AI Inclusion" at the conference. Chen Xiaojian stated that generative AI is not just a big model. Nowadays, when talking about generative AI, most people are talking about basic models. The entire generative AI application is like an iceberg floating on the sea, and the tip of the iceberg that can be seen by most people above the sea is like a basic model. At the bottom of the glacier, a large number of services beyond the basic model are also needed to support it, such as acceleration chips, databases, data analysis Data security services, etc. Amazon Cloud Technology provides a complete end-to-end generative AI technology stack, from the underlying acceleration layers such as acceleration chips and storage optimization, to the middle layer model building tools and services, and to the top-level generative AI related applications, each layer continuously innovates according to the different needs of customers.
Chen Xiaojian also stated that developing generative AI applications is a challenging system engineering and not just about product and service integration. Therefore, in order to accelerate the commercialization of customer applications, in addition to Amazon's own resources, it is necessary to build a strong ecosystem of partners to help solve various technical problems in the construction of generative AI applications and accelerate application implementation.
In addition to cloud services, we also provide multiple resources such as solution architects, product technology experts, artificial intelligence experiments, data laboratories, rapid prototyping teams, professional service teams, training and certification departments to jointly assist customers in their success. At the same time, we also work with biological partners and startups to build a complete system of generative AI, further assisting in the implementation of generative AI technology, "said Chen Xiaojian.
Liu Qiang, AI R&D Director from Kingsoft Office Software Co., Ltd., shared how Kingsoft Office utilizes generative AI and Amazon Bedlock to enhance customer experience. He mentioned that the leading large language model supported in Amazon Bedlock meets the needs of Alloy Mountain Office in multiple word processing scenarios. In addition to multiple model options, Amazon Bedlock also provides sufficient support for Kingsoft Office in terms of data security, greatly improving the internal development efficiency of Kingsoft Office and assisting Kingsoft Office in further innovating the office experience.
Li Chaoming, head of IT data analysis and artificial intelligence at Siemens Group, stated that the current development of generative AI has brought revolutionary changes to various industries. In the process of promoting the implementation of generative AI by Siemens, facing business challenges such as internal information dispersion, insufficient data transmission ability, and lack of knowledge operation ability, Amazon Cloud Technology has jointly created the Siemens China business knowledge integration solution "Xiaoyu", greatly improving the productivity and innovation efficiency of Siemens' internal team. (End)
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