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Dozens of AI tools, big promotion of learning and training JD strives to increase the number of small and micro businesses with daily sales exceeding 10000 yuan by more than twice year-on-year on November 11th

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A post-90s person from Cangzhou, Hebei opened a small shop on JD.com to sell fishing gear, and in 4 months, it went from 0 to 200000 monthly sales; A merchant from the navel orange industry belt in Jiangxi, who started from scratch, sold 20000 tons of navel oranges in just six months; There are also college students who have never been exposed to e-commerce. With the one-on-one assistance of the investment manager, the small store went online in less than two months and achieved monthly sales of over 40000 yuan.
These rapidly growing new merchants on JD.com will receive further comprehensive support during the "Double 11" period.
On September 20th, Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, stated at the JD 11.11 Merchant Ecology Partner Conference that this year's "Double 11" will start from the core dimensions of traffic, operation, and service that merchants are most concerned about, and strive to provide merchants with a new experience of "more traffic, faster operation, better service, and more cost saving". We aim to help the number of small and micro merchants with "daily sales exceeding 10000 yuan" increase by more than twice year-on-year during JD 11.11, and at the same time increase the number of merchants with sales exceeding 5 million yuan by more than 50% year-on-year.
Dozens of AI tools help businesses reduce costs and increase efficiency
Before November 11th, JD.com comprehensively upgraded various tools for merchants, covering store management, marketing promotion, service capabilities, and other aspects, making it easier for merchants to cope with store operations and achieve rapid sales growth.
Firstly, JD.com has recently upgraded its merchant store operation management platform "Jingmai", which not only improves the efficiency of merchant product distribution by 30% and the efficiency of order issuance and outbound by 20 times, but also introduces 20 free AI tools to penetrate AI capabilities into the entire operation chain of product management, store management, order service, customer service reception, etc., helping merchants significantly reduce time and labor costs. In addition, with the continuous upgrade of JD Cloud's Yanxi big model capabilities, JD has also opened dozens of AI tools such as digital live streaming to merchants, using AIGC to help merchants generate marketing materials with just one click, improving content production efficiency by more than 90%.
JD.com has also comprehensively upgraded its operational system and tools around "good products, good prices, and good services". In terms of good products, JD.com has recently upgraded its business opportunity center and product star rating, providing merchants with more resources and clear product operation paths; In terms of good prices, the price operation center has been fully upgraded to help businesses operate more efficiently; In terms of good service, the service star rating factor has been greatly simplified, and logistics services can be opened with just one click.
At the level of advertising tools, Jingzhuntong's "full site marketing" function has been upgraded, supporting merchants to operate advertising placement more easily on the Jingzhuntong APP, and automatically screening potential products to help merchants easily obtain full site traffic during JD 11.11.
In terms of service capabilities, JD.com will optimize five types of service rules, including consulting, shipping, timeliness, and after-sales, and establish eight core service tools, including category specific service products, official intelligent customer service robots, remote area consolidation and delivery, home delivery, automatic order processing, and after-sales SA automation, to help merchants better improve user experience and sales conversion.
JD.com will also open up more data resources for merchants, who can purchase the "Business Intelligence Merchant Edition" for only 1 yuan, and use data analysis to boost business growth. In addition, merchants can receive newly upgraded tools and services worth nearly 10000 yuan for free in the "Jingmai Service Market", making opening a store simpler and more efficient.
Preparing for Double 11: Promoting learning and training, with a financing amount of billions
JD 11.11 will provide strong service support for merchants in areas such as merchant training, finance, logistics, insurance, etc., effectively reducing the cost of opening a store for merchants and reducing their burden and increasing their income.
Firstly, JD.com has launched a "Big Promotion Learning Topic" training for merchants to help them easily master the key skills for winning the JD 11.11 promotion. In addition, JD.com offers offline training courses worth 1999 yuan to new merchants and provides online Q&A and clarification through the "Official Chat with You" live program, making it easier for merchants to prepare for JD.com 11.11.
At the financial level, heavyweight policies have been issued around the core aspects of merchant operations such as stocking turnover, marketing conversion, and after-sales payment collection. JD Baitiao, JD Pay, and Xiaoku have launched cumulative payment marketing subsidies of over 100 million yuan, while Jingbaobei, Huobaodai, and Jingxiaodai have launched financing quotas for merchants worth 100 billion yuan, and continue to implement interest free plans for Baitiao worth 10 billion yuan, jointly helping merchants grow.
In addition, JD Logistics has also launched a rights package for merchants. Merchants who meet the conditions can enjoy storage service fee coupons, free storage policies for business warehouses, and new business warehouse signing coupons from September 20th, significantly reducing logistics costs.
In terms of insurance, JD's freight insurance unit price will be comprehensively reduced, with some categories experiencing a decrease of over 50%. JD.com also provides special freight insurance subsidies for low gross profit orders, very small item orders, and promotion driven orders, reducing customer service and after-sales costs for merchants and driving order sales growth.
As JD 11.11 approaches, JD will spare no effort to provide comprehensive support to millions of merchants through the above 15 measures. From traffic support, cost subsidies, technical support to operational guidance, JD.com is committed to creating a simpler and more efficient business environment for merchants, promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.
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