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After losing nearly 60000 followers in 3 months, Gaotu Live announced the suspension of broadcasting

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Did you not catch the wealth of the heavens? Gaotu Live announced the suspension of broadcasting.
On September 10th, a reporter from The Paper learned that the "Gaotu Jiapin" live broadcast room had announced in major fan groups that it would temporarily suspend broadcasting. Announcement disclosure: Gaotu Jiapin stated that the suspension of this broadcast is to enhance the positioning of live content and services, in order to bring new experiences and higher quality content. However, the announcement did not disclose the specific time for resuming the broadcast.
According to the query of surging journalists, Gaotu Jiapin has emptied all the goods in the Tiktok live broadcast room and WeChat applet store window. The live broadcast of Tiktok will stay in the Mid-Autumn Festival from September 4 to September 5, and has not been updated since then. As of press time, Gaotu Jiapin's live streaming room has 2.449 million fans.
However, there are a total of four live delivery accounts on the Tiktok platform, which are "Gaotu Jiapin", "Gaotu Jiapin Happy Growth", "Gaotu Jiapin Beautiful Life" and "Gaotu Jiapin Mama Gang". Among them, "Gaotu Jiapin Happy Growth" is still live streaming, while the other three accounts have been suspended. According to the display window of "Gaotu Jiapin Happy Growth", there are still 742 products for sale.
The reporter from Pengpai News consulted with Gaotu, and the other party stated that the announcement will prevail for the time being and did not disclose the resumption time.
On August 25th, the most popular anchor of "Gaotu Jiapin", Haotian, made his debut as a solo seller on the account "Haotian (Independent and Self Strengthening Edition)", which belongs to Gaotu. From the video content and live broadcast theme, it seems that Haotian, who used to be a Chinese teacher, has returned to the education track.
Gaotu Jiapin is an e-commerce live streaming room under Gaotu. According to Gaotu's official WeChat official account, its predecessor was "Learn from Who". In June 2014, it was founded under the leadership of Chen Xiangdong. The team members are mainly core technical backbones from education and training institutions such as New Oriental and Internet companies such as Baidu and Ali.
The popularity of Gaotu live streaming room is related to the "short essay" incident of Dongfang Zhenxuan. Last December, the Oriental Selection editor claimed that most of Dong Yuhui's "short essays" were written by a copywriting team rather than a single person, which caused dissatisfaction among Dong Yuhui's fans. Afterwards, fans entered the competitive live streaming room of Gaotu Jiapin, demanding to "catch the wealth of the sky". Gaotu, who also switched from the education and training industry to live streaming sales, unexpectedly "picked up loopholes" and became popular, gaining 280000 followers in two days. On the evening of December 11th last year, a total of 600000 people flocked to the "Gaotu Jiapin" live broadcast room, while the previous day's popularity was only 27000 people.
At that time, Chen Xiangdong, founder, chairman, and CEO of Gaotu, said in an interview with The Paper, "Dongfang Zhenxuan and Gaotu are completely different companies and cannot be compared
Chen Xiangdong said at that time that when Gaotu went public, the top ten teachers once accounted for nearly 40% of the company's revenue. If they were good enough to the teachers, how could they leave? If they really leave, congratulations should also be given to them. Gaotu has been diligently practicing basic skills for over a year last year. Each employee is personally selected and hopes to "catch" opportunities.
At that time, Chen Xiangdong predicted that even after the heat passed, the Gaotu live streaming room would not return to its previous state of only a dozen people online. "With so many fans, as long as we do the basic actions, it will be a living company and there will be no problems
However, according to data from Grey Dolphin, the number of fans in Gaotu Jiapin's live streaming room has decreased instead of increasing within three months, with a decrease of nearly 60000 fans. In the past three days, the daily live streaming sales were only 100000-250000 yuan. In contrast, the daily sales of Dongfang Zhenxuan's live streaming room reached 5-75 million yuan.
According to Da Zhi Zhi VIP, as of the close on September 10th, Gaotu (NYSE: GOTU) closed at $2.89, down 1.7%.
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