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In just 2 minutes and 24 seconds, NIO's first fourth substitution power station in Beijing will be launched

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China Economic Net, Beijing, August 13th (Reporter Guo Yue) Yesterday, NIO's first fourth substitution power station in Beijing, the NIO charging and swapping integrated station, was officially launched.
NIO's first fourth substitution power station in Beijing

NIO's investment in the layout of its energy replenishment system is evident. From the completion of the first battery swapping station in Shenzhen on May 20, 2018, to the operation of the first second battery swapping station in Beijing in 2021, to the official operation of the third battery swapping station on April 3, 2023, NIO's world's first fourth battery swapping station and 640kW fully liquid cooled ultra fast charging pile were launched in Guangzhou in June of this year
As of August 12, 2024, NIO has deployed 2472 battery swapping stations, 3940 charging stations, 22973 charging piles, and connected over 1 million third-party charging piles nationwide.
More convenient and diversified energy replenishment is an essential part of NIO's high-quality service that has made it famous, and it is also an important factor in gaining consumer favor. At the same time, NIO's forward-looking investment in the energy supplement system has also benefited many friendly businesses. Previously, NIO has established charging and swapping strategic partnerships with multiple automotive companies such as Changan Automobile, Geely Holding Group, Chery Automobile, Jiangqi Group, Lotus, GAC Group, China FAW, and Zhiji Automobile. NIO has also engaged in comprehensive swapping cooperation with energy and power companies such as Sinopec, CNOOC, Shell, State Grid, and Southern Power Grid to jointly promote standardized and large-scale energy infrastructure network construction.
With the retail penetration rate of new energy passenger vehicles officially surpassing traditional fuel vehicles in July, the accelerated development of new energy will require the construction of a more complete energy replenishment system, and NIO, which is at the forefront, undoubtedly has advantages. More importantly, policies have always actively promoted the construction of energy replenishment systems. Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development", which clearly stated the need to improve infrastructure networks such as charging (swapping) stations, hydrogen (refueling) stations, and shore power, and accelerate the construction of urban smart transportation management systems.
Vehicle battery swapping

The first NIO fourth substitution power station in Beijing, which is focused on this online operation, is located in the Olympic Sports Center with a superior geographical location and dense traffic, which can fully meet the needs of users and improve the operational efficiency of the substitution power station.
In terms of configuration, NIO's fourth battery swapping station comes standard with 6 ultra wide angle lidars and 4 Orin X chips, with a computing power of 1016TOPS, supporting one click automatic battery swapping and customer replacement. More importantly, the battery swapping station is equipped with high computing power chips, allowing early models with incomplete assisted driving functions to experience functions such as one click battery swapping.
The entire process of battery replacement should not exceed 3 minutes

Compared to the previous generation, NIO's fourth battery swapping station has increased its battery swapping speed by 22%, with the fastest time taking only 2 minutes and 24 seconds. The number of battery compartments has increased to 23, and the daily service frequency can reach up to 480 times. The swapping efficiency and service capacity have been comprehensively improved.
NIO 640kW fully liquid cooled ultra fast charging pile

Along with the fourth substitution power station, there is also the NIO 640kW all liquid cooled ultra fast charging pile, which can achieve a maximum power of 640kW, a maximum output current of 765A, and a maximum output voltage of 1000V per pile. Taking the NIO 100kWh battery pack as an example, it only takes 12 minutes to charge from 10% to 80%. Meanwhile, its charging voltage range is from 200-1000V, compatible with almost all models on the market. In addition, the 640kW fully liquid cooled ultra fast charging pile adopts a self-developed liquid cooled charging gun cable, which weighs only 2.4kg and is comparable to a regular laptop, making it easy to operate with one hand. In the future, NIO's fourth battery swapping station will be more open, supporting multi brand and multi specification battery pack swapping. (Picture by Guo Yue)
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