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Tesla Optimus Prime makes its debut in Beijing!

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Tesla Optimus (Optimus Prime) and Cyber Land Cruiser make their debut at the 2024 World Robot Conference.
I haven't seen you for a year, but I've transformed again! "Tesla Optimus humanoid robot made this self introduction at the 2024 World Robot Conference, stating that its full body control and balance have evolved.
This is the debut of Optimus humanoid robot in Beijing. According to the plan, Tesla will start small-scale production of humanoid robots from next year, and the Tesla factory will deploy over 1000 humanoid robots to assist humans in their work next year. The reporter learned from the booth staff that Tesla is currently recruiting a large number of personnel to accelerate the training of Optimus by wearing motion capture devices, VR headsets, etc.
Besides humanoid robots, Tesla's most popular product is the Cyber off-road vehicle. It looks like a tank, but it is actually an electric car - the world's first mass-produced model to adopt a 48V low-voltage architecture, revolutionizing the 12V architecture that has been used in the automotive industry for over 70 years. It has driving performance that is more practical than trucks and faster than sports cars.
According to on-site personnel, Tesla's Cyber Land Cruiser has not yet been fully launched for sale in China, but its sales performance in North America is good. In June, Cox Automotive, a US car trading platform, released the latest statistics, stating that Tesla's Cyber Land Cruiser has become the best-selling model in the United States with sales of over 3200 units, exceeding $100000.
The Tesla booth is one of the most eye-catching booths at the 2024 World Robot Conference. On August 21st, the conference opened in Beijing at the Yichuang International Convention and Exhibition Center in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which was once the venue for the Xiaomi SU7 launch event that exploded in traffic in the first half of the year.
The reporter saw on site that robot innovation centers from multiple places, as well as A-share companies such as Guanghetong and Green Harmonic, and Hong Kong stock companies such as Ubiquitous, all made appearances at this exhibition.
The theme of the conference is "Cultivating New Quality Productivity and Sharing Intelligent New Future", which is divided into three parts: forum, expo, and competition. Among them, the expo highlights technological innovation and application effectiveness, with 169 companies exhibiting more than 600 innovative products, including over 60 newly launched products. 27 humanoid robots will be unveiled at the expo, setting a new record in history.
Humanoid robots are the most eye-catching products at the conference. From the reporter's exploration, it can be seen that their application in many scenarios has become very proficient, indicating the progress of technology and the potential for commercialization.
For example, taking a writing robot as an example, fingers can already hold a brush, and the robotic arm can also skillfully outline and draw.
In addition, in scenarios such as tax explanations, making coffee, and making pancakes, humanoid robots can also be easily captured. For example, at a company booth, the reporter saw a humanoid robot transforming into a "tax officer", enthusiastically interacting with the audience, understanding tax issues raised by taxpayers through big data language models, providing the best business responses through AI algorithms, and enhancing the sense of technology in tax services.
As the scene continues to advance, many responsible persons from participating companies expressed optimism about the "iPhone moment" for humanoid robots in interviews with Securities Times reporters.
In 2007, Jobs officially released the first truly intelligent iPhone in human history, opening a new chapter for human smart phones. Since then, smart phones have entered thousands of households and accelerated the arrival of the mobile Internet era. As a result, this event is also known as the 'iPhone Moment', representing the revolutionary impact of an innovative technology on humanity.
At the exhibition booth of Beijing Intelligent Robot Innovation Center, a relevant person in charge analyzed to reporters that in order for the humanoid robot industry to move forward, it must first cross three major mountains, namely: high technical difficulty, high manufacturing cost, and high commercialization difficulty. The explosion of AI big models has brought key opportunities for humanoid robots, and the application scenarios of humanoid robots will be greatly expanded as a result. If humanoid robots can better adapt to various scenarios while reducing manufacturing costs to a lower level, then the iPhone moment of humanoid robots will definitely become a reality.
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