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International Olympic Committee President Bach: Alibaba ushers in the era of Olympic artificial intelligence

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Without Alibaba, there would be no Olympic artificial intelligence, "said International Olympic Committee President Bach at the opening ceremony of the Alibaba Wonder Avenue on the Champs - É lys é es in Paris on July 27th local time. Bach's evaluation is a recognition of Alibaba's two important technological breakthroughs in promoting the Olympic Games in the past 7 years.
At Alibaba Gallery, Bach experienced the services of a smart assistant and engaged in a virtual battle with his digital avatar. Alibaba Gallery "is a new technology experience hall built by Alibaba on the Champs - É lys é es in Paris, bringing visitors a brand new future e-commerce shopping experience. It is open to visitors during the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
It is reported that the "Alibaba Corridor" smart assistant is supported by the underlying technology of Tongyi Big Model, which combines the characteristics of "multimodal", "multilingual" and "conversational", allowing tourists to experience the possible future lifestyle brought by AI cloud computing and e-commerce in advance.
Bach said, "Alibaba has made valuable contributions to the organization and television broadcasting of the Olympic Games, and through cutting-edge technology, especially in the fields of artificial intelligence and cloud technology, has also made more important contributions to the future of sports. The Olympic Broadcasting Service (OBS) is using Alibaba Cloud's cloud broadcasting technology to create a new experience for global audiences
At the Paris Olympics, cloud computing replaced satellites as the main way of live broadcasting Olympic events. More than two-thirds of the Olympic live broadcast signals will be transmitted from Paris to over 200 countries and regions worldwide through Alibaba Cloud supported Olympic broadcasting cloud, reaching billions of viewers.
According to previous reports, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be the first time that the Olympics have achieved full cloud broadcasting, and at this year's Paris Olympics, cloud broadcasting has surpassed traditional satellite broadcasting to become the main way of live streaming events. These two important technological breakthroughs in Olympic history were both driven by Alibaba's cloud computing technology. Bach commented at the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Alibaba plays a crucial role in the digital transformation of the Olympics, and Alibaba Cloud's technology has left a new set of standards for the Olympics
In his speech at the event that day, Alibaba Group Chairman Joseph Tsai stated, "We have provided a core cloud computing system for the cloud based broadcasting of the Olympic Broadcasting System (OBS), enabling remotely produced video signals to be transmitted to various parts of the world at low cost and high speed. This year's Paris Olympics will be the first time in Olympic history that cloud broadcasting has surpassed satellite broadcasting to become the mainstream broadcasting method
The Paris Olympics was also the first Olympic Games in history to extensively utilize AI technology. It is reported that 14 venues have deployed Alibaba Cloud AI enhancement technology, which can quickly produce high degree of freedom playback images in live signals, which used to take more than ten hours to generate.
Since partnering with the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics in 2018, Alibaba's technology has been supporting the International Olympic Committee. We are proud to drive the digital transformation of the world's largest and most complex sports event, "said Tsai Chung hsin.
Bach said, "In the past few months, when we were preparing for the Olympic AI agenda, we were very grateful for Alibaba's expertise. The cooperation and partnership with Alibaba have benefited us greatly. Without Alibaba, there would be no Olympic AI agenda
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