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A bouquet of roses costs 9.9 yuan, and fresh flowers such as horse embroidered balls are discounted by nearly 40% in summer

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"Nowadays, flowers are really getting cheaper and almost on par with vegetables." In the construction of a Damao store in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, customer Xiao Yang found that roses only cost 9.9 yuan per bouquet. She is a regular in the store and buys flowers at least once a week. The reporter noticed that as Yunnan's fresh cut flower production capacity entered its peak in July, the summer sales of fresh flowers were also in full swing. Under the popularity of the "flower economy", the prices of Hema's embroidery balls, carnations, sword orchids, water lilies and other fresh flowers have decreased by 20% -40% compared to the same period last year, and a one week limited edition of 9.9 yuan rose bouquets has been launched.
(Embroidery Garden of Hemamen Store)
It is reported that this is not the first time Hema has launched low-priced and high-quality flowers. The ultra-low price embroidered ball flower priced at 9.9 yuan per piece launched four years ago has made this niche item the sixth largest fresh cut flower in Yunnan. In the past three years, the sales of Hema embroidered balls have skyrocketed by 2.5 times. Hema has also enabled users to truly achieve "buying flowers like buying vegetables".
It is reported that behind the achievement of popularizing flower consumption at low prices, Hema's complete supply chain system construction and contract agriculture have played an important role together. With the support of stable orders, the planting cost of the flower base can be controlled at a lower level, but the supply and quality are getting higher and higher. In Yunnan, there are over 1000 acres of Hema embroidery ball direct harvesting bases. From April to November, fresh picked flowers are delivered to warehouses across Hema every day. Therefore, no matter how the market fluctuates, customers can always buy embroidered ball flowers for 9.9 yuan on Hema in a stable manner.
At the same time, order agriculture and targeted planting also allow the base to have a better understanding of the market, shifting from "what is expensive and what is needed" to "what is needed in the market.". As a result, the premium flowers that were once planted in small quantities and in short supply were able to return to normal prices, allowing more consumers to buy and afford them.
(The price of embroidered sea blue has decreased by about 39% compared to last year)
In 2023, Hema launched the "Dopamine Embroidery Season", with colorful hydrangeas such as sea blue, peach pink, and watermelon red receiving high praise from users. This year, Hema has continued to increase production through targeted planting, and the prices of hydrangea sea blue and peach powder have also decreased from 25.9 yuan/piece to 15.9 yuan/piece, a decrease of about 39% compared to last year.
At the same time, consumers also yearn for more high-end varieties and new products of fresh flowers. This summer, Hema also plans to introduce new cocktails, matcha, flower treasures, pink ice cream and other embroidered ball flowers. Among them, the cocktail embroidered ball was first put on the shelves.
It is worth noting that as the price of fresh flowers further decreases, more and more people are incorporating buying flowers into their "self pleasing consumption". "Consumers are no longer limited to traditional festivals such as Mother's Day and Valentine's Day, but are becoming more and more daily like buying a cup of coffee or cabbage, which is the biggest change," said the person in charge of Hema Garden. For this reason, Hema also keeps up with the seasons and traditional festivals, actively creating scenes for users to buy flowers. During the Loong Boat Festival this year, the traditional wormwood decorative bouquets were sold very well, and the sales volume increased twice year-on-year.
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