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Opening a new era of sports digitalization, Sony becomes the official sponsor of the "2024 Shanghai Tomorrow Star Basketball Championship"

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On June 28, 2024, Sony (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sony) announced that it will officially become the official sponsor of the "2024 Shanghai Tomorrow Star Basketball Championship". For the first time, Sony IRS (Real Time Playback) system will be introduced in high-level international youth basketball events in China, and deep cooperation will be carried out with event operators in various fields such as professional sports event services, viewing experiences, and sports entertainment. In addition, Sony's professional advantages in digital imaging solutions, film and video, games, and other fields will be combined to bring more innovative immersive and interactive viewing experiences to sports enthusiasts. Sony China President Takeshi Yoshida attended the press conference held at the Huangpu River World Reception Hall on the same day.
Sony Helps Tomorrow's Star Basketball Championship, Improving Event Operations and Experience
This time, Sony will sponsor the "2024 Shanghai Tomorrow Star Basketball Championship" as the official sponsor of the event, providing professional sports services including the IRS (Instant Review Systems) system based on SMART (Synchronized Multi Angle Replay Technology) technology to ensure the fairness and viewing of the event. Sony's IRS system can capture and synchronize game footage in real-time, allowing referees to view the game scene from any angle and make more accurate and fair decisions. This is also the first time in China that the IRS system has been introduced into high-level international youth basketball competitions. At present, the IRS system has been widely used in major international basketball tournaments such as the European Basketball League, the Japanese Basketball League, and the American NBA Basketball League, and has been highly recognized by users.
Sony China President Takeshi Yoshida attended the press conference on that day and said, "We are very pleased to support the development of Shanghai branded sports events, providing international standards and professional services to safeguard the events, and collaborating with industry-leading professional sports clubs to explore the possibility of improving team performance through technology and data services.". In addition, as a 'creative entertainment company built on a solid technological foundation,' Sony has always been committed to 'moving the world with the power of creativity and technology.' Sports competition has always been one of the most beloved and touching forms of entertainment, and we will fully leverage Sony's expertise in electronic products and systems, technology, and entertainment content in this cooperation. We will collaborate with Tomorrow's Star basketball tournament to create more exciting sports and entertainment experiences and services for Chinese sports enthusiasts, injecting new vitality into the digital development of China's sports industry
Empowered by Sony Entertainment Technology, Leading the Global Digital Wave of Sports
Sony is currently actively engaged in sports business worldwide, with sports companies such as Beyond Sports and Pulselive under its umbrella. It provides professional services such as video assistants, referees, and semi-automatic offside for various world-class international super events, as well as digital event experience operation services.
Sony's professional digital imaging products and solutions, including various professional cameras and broadcasting equipment, are committed to providing first-class sports event broadcasting, digital solutions, and sports entertainment services for the sports industry. Sony's advanced Alpha full frame mirrorless camera and E-mount lens group have also become the best choice for many professional sports photographers, helping them capture every exciting moment on the sports field.
In addition, Sony Group has diversified entertainment businesses such as film and television, music, and gaming, which can be combined with sports events to provide audiences and sports fans with richer content and experiences. Sony Music Japan has established a deep cooperation with the Japan Basketball Association, which is a professional basketball league in Japan LEAGUE provides comprehensive professional services including event operation planning, on-site event operation, league promotion and promotion, peripheral product production and sales, music production and performance execution, as well as IP management.
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