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Xiaopeng's acquisition of Didi's car manufacturing project has resulted in a mutual investment of 4 billion yuan

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On July 3rd, Xiaopeng Motors officially disclosed the design of the first product in the MONA series, M03. Xiaopeng Motors Chairman He Xiaopeng stated that the car has officially started online booking and will be officially launched in August.
The MONA project originated from Didi's Da Vinci plan for car manufacturing, focusing on the 150000 yuan market. On August 28th last year, Xiaopeng Motors announced the acquisition of assets and research and development capabilities related to Didi's intelligent electric vehicle project; At the Beijing Auto Show in April this year, Xiaopeng Motors announced its new brand MONA, which symbolizes Made Of New AI. However, it is worth noting that in recent public announcements by some Xiaopeng Motors, MONA has changed from a second brand to Xiaopeng Motors' new product series. At this press conference, MONA M03 continued to use Xiaopeng Motors' logo.
He Xiaopeng stated at the press conference that the price of MONA M03 is less than 200000 yuan, and Xiaopeng Motors and Didi have invested 4 billion yuan in the MONA project.
It is reported that MONA M03 will provide different intelligent driving solutions for different needs, giving users more choices. He Xiaopeng emphasized that the Xiaopeng MONA M03 has the strongest intelligent driving capability in the same price range; In addition, due to good energy consumption control, the vehicle can use a smaller capacity power battery to achieve better range, helping to reduce product costs.
Since 2024, the sales of Xiaopeng Motors have been in a lukewarm state. Data shows that Xiaopeng Motors delivered 10668 new cars in June, a year-on-year increase of 24% and a month on month increase of 5%; In the first half of this year, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered 52028 units of products, and both monthly and cumulative sales have shown a significant gap compared to new power car companies such as Zero Run and NIO. MONA, which is more focused on the mainstream market, is expected to become a driving force for Xiaopeng Automobile's sales surge.
He Xiaopeng stated that the products in the Mona project will have significant differences from Xiaopeng Motors' existing products, with a sales target of 100000 vehicles per year. During the Beijing Auto Show, He Xiaopeng even said, "In the second half of this year, (MONA) is expected to have better sales than Lei Zong's Xiaomi SU7.".
Previously, Xiaopeng and Didi signed a sales betting agreement. According to the agreement, if the annual sales of Didi platform and ecosystem exceed 100000 vehicles, Xiaopeng will provide additional consideration equity. If the highest annual sales for two consecutive years reach 180000 vehicles, Didi's maximum equity ratio can be increased to 5%.
Gu Hongdi, President of Xiaopeng Motors, once said, "Didi can provide Xiaopeng with market resources for marketing. We will also collaborate to build a fast charging station. In addition, Didi will recommend Xiaopeng's related financial and insurance products to our 'MONA' customers through its platform, and further cooperate in future Robotaxi operations."
However, at this press conference, He Xiaopeng stated that the MONA M03 will not launch a "taxi" version of the model.
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