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The fourth chapter of Tesla's grand plan is here! Will the Epic Project be a robot?

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According to the Daily Economic News, at 3am Beijing time on Tuesday (June 18th), Musk announced on social media platform X that he will launch the fourth part of Tesla's grand plan. He also stated that this will definitely be an epic plan.
At present, people are still unaware of the content of the fourth chapter. Referring to the time from "leaking the topic" to its final release in Chapter 3, the true face of Tesla's fourth chapter may not be revealed until 2025.
Why is the Hongtu Plan important?
The market has always attached great importance to Tesla's ambitious plan, and although the goals of the first and second parts have encountered many setbacks, most of them have been gradually achieved in the past few years. In a sense, Tesla's grand plan is a guiding document for the market to judge the company's development direction and progress.
According to previous reports from 21st Century Business Herald, in 2006, Tesla released the first chapter of its "Secret Vision": producing sports cars; Using the earned money to produce affordable cars; Using the earned money to produce more affordable cars; While achieving the above, zero emission power generation options are also provided.
The main purpose of "Hongtu 1" is to build Tesla into a successful electric vehicle company, and all four plans have been completed.
In 2016, Tesla released the second chapter of its "Secret Vision", which mainly included creating astonishingly efficient, aesthetically pleasing solar panels equipped with integrated energy storage functions; Expand the electric vehicle product line to meet the needs of various segmented markets; Developing autonomous driving technology that is 10 times safer than human manual driving through a large number of fleet learning functions; Generate revenue by sharing idle vehicles.
The four plans of Hongtu 2 have been preliminarily completed, but the expansion of electric vehicle products, autonomous driving technology, and vehicle sharing are still in the process of development and promotion. Through "Hongtu 2", Tesla is defined as an artificial intelligence company and an energy company.
"Hongtu 3" requires a cost of $10 trillion
The main content of "Hongtu 3" revolves around the path of sustainable energy.
To achieve a sustainable energy economy, many challenges need to be overcome. In Musk's view, the required conditions include 240TWh of energy storage, 30TW of renewable power generation, $10 trillion in manufacturing investment, less than half of the energy needed for fuel economy, less than 0.2% of renewable energy infrastructure footprint, and sustainable energy investment equivalent to 10% of global GDP in 2022.
Specifically, this seemingly "crazy" plan mainly includes five parts: using renewable energy to drive the existing power grid; Fully turn towards electric vehicles; Using heat pumps in household, commercial, and industrial sectors; Using high-temperature energy storage and green hydrogen energy in the industrial field; Applying sustainable energy in aircraft and ships.
"Hongtu 1" and "Hongtu 2" are mainly focused on Tesla's development direction and goals, while "Hongtu 3" is a task that cannot be completed by Tesla alone. This plan is costly and involves a wide range of industries, making it extremely difficult to achieve.
However, Musk is very confident in achieving the plan. He said that if the new energy production capacity is based on the growth rate of wind power, solar energy, batteries, and automobiles before 2030, it can achieve 100% energy sustainability by 2050. "The Earth will become a planet driven by renewable energy in the future, and everyone will see this transformation in their lifetime."
According to Caixin News Agency, investors have been disappointed by Tesla's release of the third chapter of its grand plan, which promises to develop a completely sustainable future.
The market had originally expected Tesla to propose a cheaper electric car in the third part, as Tesla CEO Musk had previously revealed that he would launch an electric car priced around $25000. However, it was eventually discovered that Tesla only briefly discussed its renewable ambitions in the third chapter, which directly led to a decline in Tesla's stock price.
Over the past year, Tesla's stock price has continued to weaken, falling nearly 30% in total, far behind the overall performance of the market. As of the close of Monday Eastern Time, Tesla closed up 5.30% at $187.44, with a total market value of $597.78 billion.
Musk painted a $25 trillion pancake
"Optimus' robot will turn Tesla into a $25 trillion market value company."
On June 13th, US time, Elon Musk made another wild statement at Tesla's annual shareholder meeting - in addition to claiming that Tesla would reach a market value of 25 trillion yuan, he also stated that "even the most optimistic market expectations underestimated the value of Optimus Prime robots."
As a comparison, to this day, the combined market value of all constituent companies in the S&P 500 index in the United States is less than $50 trillion.
However, since the first release of the Optimus Prime robot program by AI Day in 2021 and the first prototype by AI Day in 2022, Tesla has been holding a half hidden view of the Optimus Prime robot. In 2023, the Optimus Prime robot became the most common protagonist on Tesla and Musk's social media accounts, grabbing eggs, folding shirts, and various "videos" constantly emerging
For a whole year, the attention focused on Optimus Prime and humanoid robots, from the United States to China, from the industrial end to the secondary market, was also like cooking oil on fire.
However, in 2023, Tesla's AI Day directly skipped the vote, and there were rumors that Musk was not satisfied with Optimus Prime's abilities, so he repeatedly postponed until the 2023 AI Day was cancelled.
Recently, the video of Optimus Prime robot folding shirts has also been claimed by engineering professionals to be fake, claiming that the action is not an end-to-end artificial intelligence, but rather a human operation behind it. And Musk openly admitted that this would be a capability that Optimus Prime could achieve in the future.
Musk opened up the dream of humanoid robots for us, but at least for now, there is still no sign of them becoming round.
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