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Ideal Auto's weekly sales surpass BMW and Audi, ranking among the top three luxury brand sales in the Chinese market

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On the 12th, the latest weekly sales data released by Ideal Automobile showed that from June 3rd to June 9th, Ideal Automobile sold 10900 units, winning the new force sales championship for 7 consecutive weeks; And this sales volume surpasses BMW and Audi, ranking among the top three luxury brand sales in the Chinese market, which is currently the best achievement that Chinese car brands have achieved in the luxury car market.
In addition, since its launch, the production and sales of the Ideal L6 have continued to rise, with sales exceeding 5000 units last week, setting a new historical high. After delivering over 10000 units in May, the Ideal L6 is expected to deliver 20000 units in June, achieving the fastest monthly delivery record for the Ideal L series single vehicle model to exceed 20000 units. In the 200000 to 300000 new energy vehicle market, it becomes the strongest competitor of Model Y.
L6 drives an increase in the popularity of the entire product line
The popularity of the Ideal L6 has driven an increase in the number of car views and test drives for all models in the store. The average number of car views per single model in May and June this year increased by 16% compared to December last year, and the efficiency of test drives increased by 30% during the same period. During the Loong Boat Festival holiday, the ideal auto retail stores opened a test drive of NOA without pictures, and the test drive rate of NOA for intelligent driving in stores was further improved, from the previous level of more than 20% to nearly 40%, creating a new high of users' attention to intelligent driving products.
In terms of bicycle models, the Ideal L series has achieved great sales, with the Ideal L9 winning the new energy vehicle sales championship for 11 consecutive months at 400000 to 500000 yuan, the Ideal L8 winning six new energy vehicle market sales championships at 300000 to 400000 yuan for 18 consecutive months, and the Ideal L7 winning the new energy vehicle sales championship at 300000 to 400000 yuan for 7 consecutive months.
Safety is the foundation of a car. In the C-NCAP collision test, Ideal L9 achieved the highest score in C-NCAP history with a score of 91.3. In terms of cabin health and safety, all models of the Ideal L series have obtained the China Automotive Health Index C-AHI five-star health vehicle certification. In terms of active safety, the AEB emergency braking of Ideal Automobile can cope with more high-frequency collision scenarios on Chinese roads, reducing accident injuries from the perspective of real user value.
User reputation and resale value are also important factors contributing to the growth of ideal car sales. According to a survey by authoritative organization Jielan Road, the Ideal Automobile brand ranks first in the 100 people favor index with 54%, leading new energy vehicle brands; Ranked second in brand net recommendation value NPS, receiving 81.9% of user recommendations. In terms of resale value, among plug-in hybrid models, Ideal Automobile ranks first among Chinese brands in terms of one-year resale value, only behind Porsche Panamera and Cayenne.
Fully exert oneself in intelligent driving
In 2023, the Ideal L series has accumulated 16 OTA upgrades, added 279 new features, and optimized 183 experiences. As one of the intelligent electric vehicle companies with the fastest product OTA iteration speed, Ideal Automotive's intelligent driving underwent multiple OTA upgrades in the first half of the year.
Especially with the OTA5.2 version upgrade launched in May, AD Pro 3.0 has comprehensively upgraded the BEV model architecture and spatiotemporal joint planning algorithm. The high-speed NOA safety takeover level has reached the thousand kilometer level, and intelligent parking supports over 300 types of complex parking spaces. The active safety capability of AD Max 3.0 has been comprehensively improved, covering 8 high-frequency and high-risk scenarios. In the same month, Ideal Automobile launched a public test of urban NOA users with a scale of 1000 people, and the first batch of test users accounted for over 65% of the total mileage in urban NOA.
At the just concluded 2024 China Automotive Chongqing Forum, Li Xiang, Chairman and CEO of Ideal Automobile, announced Ideal's latest focus in the field of intelligent driving. He stated that the R&D team is accelerating the development of an autonomous driving system that integrates end-to-end, VLM (Visual Language Model), and world models. Ideal Automobile will begin internal testing based on 3 million clips (pre trained model) in the third quarter of this year, and is expected to bring new intelligent driving functions trained with over 10 million clips to a wider range of users by the end of this year or early next year.
Fully guaranteed direct operation network
After the launch of the two new products, Ideal MEGA and Ideal L6, this year, Ideal Automobile has implemented refined management based on different cities and stores, facing a multi product matrix and different user positioning needs. In order to match the needs of multiple vehicle exhibitions and test drives, Ideal actively adjusts its sales strategy, plans ahead for the sales service network according to sales needs, increases the number of central stores, optimizes the sales quality of individual stores, ensures that while increasing the number of stores, continuously optimizes the quality of each sales store, and provides more exhibition car numbers and store space.
As of June 11th, Ideal Automobile has a total of 497 direct retail centers nationwide, covering all first tier, new first tier, and second tier cities in China, with a coverage rate of about 90% in third tier cities. As a Chinese car company with a 100% direct sales network, Ideal Automobile can quickly adjust its store layout and sales strategy. In terms of selecting new store types, Ideal Automobile has increased its showroom area and continuously increased the proportion of central stores. The proportion of directly operated central stores has increased from 25% to 29%. More than 200 showrooms have been built nationwide, and more than half of the stores can display more than 9 exhibition cars.
The increase in the number of store booths is the foundation for achieving synchronous sales growth of multiple vehicle models. From a data perspective, in order to support a new car model to achieve monthly sales of over 10000, it is necessary to add approximately 500 to 600 fixed booths nationwide. Otherwise, there will be a problem of increasing product quantity without increasing sales. So after the launch of Ideal MEGA and Ideal L6, corresponding adjustments were made to the allocation of store booths, with flagship models being the main focus in the central store; In more flexible supermarkets, the main booth is tilted towards the new model Ideal L6, which is more in line with the user group of the business district.
Since the announcement of internal adjustments by Ideal Automobile in April this year, the sales momentum has clearly returned in two months. From the data, Ideal Automobile is still the best performing enterprise in terms of business quality and sales performance among new power car companies.
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