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Baidu Wenku has been restructured into a "one-stop AI content acquisition and creation platform"

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On May 30th, 2024, the Baidu Mobile Ecological Universe Conference was held in Suzhou. Wang Ying, Vice President of Baidu and Head of Wenku Business Unit, said, "The ideal AI should solve problems end-to-end, make machines think like humans, and make products work like humans. These are all achieved by Baidu Wenku after the reconstruction of the big model. It will become everyone's all-weather intelligent partner, allowing users to truly achieve worry free access and creative freedom."
According to Wang Ying, last year, under the empowerment of the big model, Baidu Wenku was restructured into a "one-stop AI content acquisition and creation platform", leading the release of hundreds of multimodal AI functions such as intelligent PPTs, intelligent documents, intelligent mind maps, intelligent research reports, intelligent picture books, intelligent comics, intelligent novels, and full scene instruction editing. As of now, the cumulative number of AI users in Baidu Wenku has exceeded 140 million, The number of uses of AI functions has exceeded 1.5 billion, making it a "learning and office tool, a home education tool, and a part-time earning tool" that everyone can use.
At present, Baidu Wenku has accumulated 1.2 billion high-quality content resources, with tens of millions of users checking scientific research reports, finding necessary materials for learning and work every day, and achieving part-time income generation through document sharing. The emergence of large models has opened up space for imagination for Baidu Wenku.
According to Wang Ying, based on the Wenxin Big Model series, Baidu Wenku not only accurately understands and identifies user intentions, but also stimulates the full process planning of content creation through reflective models and the application of thought chains and thought trees. In the execution stage, it uses a mixed expert model (MoE) and retrieval enhanced generation (RAG) to reasonably allocate and call multiple models of different sizes, achieving cross modal and cross format content generation. Most importantly, in addition to understanding, planning, and generating, Baidu Wenku can also automate the assembly of produced content into the final usable product that users need, greatly saving users time and truly achieving one click access.
By delving into the three major scenarios of learning and office work, home education, and part-time job earning, Baidu Wenku has solved users' needs for content acquisition and creation end-to-end.
On site, Wang Ying demonstrated how Baidu Wenku AI can "one-stop" create the most difficult "research report" in documents. Firstly, users can freely access over a billion professional materials on Baidu Wenku, and quickly understand professional knowledge through intelligent summarization and Q&A. At the same time, the "Intelligent Research Report" function of Baidu Wenku can generate professional reports of over 30000 words at once, with detailed and accurate data charts and professional insights. Users can also use AI to polish, expand, and continue paragraphs, and generate mind maps based on the reports PPT and automatic matching of speech drafts, fully realizing the free flow of content across formats on a platform.
Wang Ying stated that Baidu Wenku itself provides a diversified document sharing and sharing model, platform creation subsidies, and multi-channel distribution and sharing monetization model.
In addition to the continuous updating of AI capabilities, Baidu Wenku is committed to building an industry-leading content acquisition and creation ecosystem, and achieving diversified and win-win development with industry partners.
High quality authors and diverse content constitute the diverse ecosystem of Baidu Wenku. At the conference, Baidu Wenku officially released the "Heat Source Plan", which aims to comprehensively improve content traffic, knowledge value, and author revenue through new tools, channels, and policies. Authoritative authors and professional content are the cornerstone of the content ecosystem of Baidu Wenku. It is reported that Baidu Wenku has cooperated with multiple authoritative academic information institutions at home and abroad to provide users with professional and reliable academic information retrieval, reading and other services.
At the same time, Baidu Wenku is actively building a cross modal AI content creation ecosystem. At the conference, Baidu Wenku announced strategic cooperation with Himalaya, Yongsheng Animation, and Xuanji Technology to conduct in-depth innovative exploration in the fields of smart novels, smart picture books, smart comics, and more.
"Baidu Wenku enables everyone to become a versatile creator." Wang Ying said that Baidu Wenku will also work with more industry partners to promote the deep integration of AI and content creation, empowering more vertical scenes with big models, and providing everyone with a free, efficient, and convenient creative experience.
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