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On September 15th, Zhang Chaoyang will cross Weihai Bay to promote the host conference, stating that "this is the self-cultivation of internet celebrities"

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"Just to meet you at the webmaster conference", on September 10, Zhang Chaoyang, chairman and CEO of Sohu's board of directors, gave an interview to the media and said that he would cross Weihai Bay on Mid-Autumn Festival on September 15, and challenge the sea for 5 kilometers to warm up the autumn webmaster conference of Sohu's video. At that time, Sohu Video will broadcast the entire process live.
It is reported that the official announcement of the 2024 Sohu Video Broadcaster Conference will be held on September 22 in Qinhuangdao. Zhang Chaoyang stated that in the era of short videos, both offline and online are equally important, and the Sohu Video Broadcaster Conference is a carnival for "attention stream" netizens. On site, he also talked about his cultivation as a "physical internet celebrity", believing that "internet celebrities" have a social responsibility to guide the trend, must be truthful, and must control their frequency of occurrence to create scarcity.
Just to meet you at the host conference
Zhang Chaoyang said he has confidence in crossing Weihai Bay
During the spring host conference, I used a month long '5 kilometers per day' running promotion live broadcast, and the autumn host conference will be promoted through swimming. "Crossing Weihai Bay this time, Zhang Chaoyang called it an action in the new media era," just to meet you at the host conference ". This is also a self-cultivation as a" physical internet celebrity ", and I need to do some interesting things to provide content to fans. He has continuously posted multiple swimming videos on the Sohu video app "Follow Flow", stating that he is actively training to restore muscle memory and strength, and preparing for the sea swimming on September 15th.
Climbing snow capped mountains, running, and swimming are the three sports that Zhang Chaoyang is particularly good at. It has been 6 years since he last crossed the Qingjiang River in Hubei Province for 10 kilometers, but Zhang Chaoyang claims that he has always insisted on running and maintains good physical fitness. He is confident that he can complete the 5-kilometer crossing challenge. He mentioned that the direction of tides and currents is important when swimming in the sea, and may also be influenced by marine organisms such as jellyfish. He also applied the principles of mechanics to breaststroke and emphasized that swimming is very beneficial for relieving cervical problems.
According to Zhang Chaoyang, the Sohu Video Broadcaster Conference is a heavyweight social event created by Sohu Video based on the "follow stream" social ecology, and has been successfully held twice. At the 2024 Autumn Sohu Video Broadcasters Conference, numerous broadcasters and celebrities will gather in Qinhuangdao to meet friends through video. This is an activity based on netizens, extending from online socializing to the ground, and the effect is very good
Physics class attracts audience with on-site and real-time experience
The knowledge of "Follow Stream", Hanfu, and KPOP live streaming are popular
Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class "has been on the air for nearly 3 years and first became popular in the" follow stream "of Sohu Video. Zhang Chaoyang recalls the reason for the popularity of physics class, where he manually pushed Einstein's mass energy equation e=mc& after the first offline class; sup2;, This on-site and real-time style has attracted many people to come and see. He has been live streaming English on Sohu Video for seven years and physics for three years, both of which have achieved good results. Objective interests have turned me into a physical internet celebrity, which has had a good effect on driving the knowledge live streaming of Sohu Video's' attention stream '
Zhang Chaoyang introduced that in the "Follow Stream" of Sohu Video, knowledge-based live streaming is very broad, and has formed a relatively rich ecosystem in various fields such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, medicine, and astronomy. In addition to "Zhang Chaoyang's Physics Class", there are also many live broadcasts of medical knowledge and technology, as well as Hanfu live broadcasts, KPOP dance flip live broadcasts, and other visual content expressions of young people in vertical fields that are very popular. During the host conference, we (Sohu Video) will launch an American TV series called "Xiong Family Restaurant". Watching dramas is a traditional function of Sohu Video, but now we are turning to a video social platform
The era of self media has given more possibilities. In his view, bringing things that people are interested in from the real world online is an opportunity for content creation. He encourages everyone with a unique skill to appear in front of the camera and earn profits from Sohu Video's "follow stream" business. At the same time, he suggested that science popularization must be accurate and distinctive, and science cannot be turned into science fiction. There should be many hardcore basic concepts and correct knowledge in the entire public domain, and on this basis, we can inspire the wonder of young people
Being an 'entrepreneur internet celebrity' must be authentic
Life should be about doing meaningful things
Zhang Chaoyang stated that long-term exercise habits, as well as learning knowledge through English and physics classes, have also influenced his business management thinking. For example, careful study of many issues has formed a learning and research attitude, which makes decisions in company management more meticulous. At present, he thinks about two things for the company every morning - how to make good products and how to gain a larger user base. As a "physics internet celebrity", he entered the knowledge live streaming industry and played the role of "product manager" to promote the update and iteration of Sohu Video's live streaming products. The functions such as Xiaobai board and replay were specifically designed for knowledge live streaming, which also attracted many broadcasters to share knowledge on Sohu Video platform.
He also shared his insights on the phenomenon of "entrepreneur internet celebrities", suggesting that it must be truthful, controlling the frequency of occurrence to create scarcity, and positioning should match the persona, not doing everything. From the perspective of market communication, this is twice the result with half the effort, and the public also needs the power of idols or role models from all aspects. If you are already an internet celebrity, you have a certain social responsibility to set an example and guide the trend
Whether it's becoming a "physics internet celebrity" or challenging to cross Weihai Bay, what seems like "tinkering" is the values that Zhang Chaoyang has always adhered to. In his opinion, life should be about doing meaningful things, whether it's doing a good job in a company, doing something you love or have meaning for, or contributing to society. People need to have things to do until they are old and restless
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