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Abbott: Science and technology enable daily management of diabetes, stable and accurate, and protect blood sugar health

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The importance of diabetes management and prevention is self-evident, and diabetes prevention and treatment has been included in the Health China Special Action. As a world leading medical and health company, Abbott enables daily management of diabetes through scientific and technological innovation, improves the level of monitoring and evaluation, and protects patients' blood sugar health steadily and accurately.
At the recent seminar on "Expert Consensus on the Clinical Application of Continuous Glucose Monitoring", many authoritative experts in the industry gathered to discuss the research progress and diagnosis and treatment trend of diabetes management, so as to promote the high-quality development of diabetes prevention and control in China.
According to statistics, at present, there are more than 140 million patients with diabetes in China. Poor long-term control of blood sugar can lead to serious complications such as blindness, renal failure, cardiovascular accidents, amputation, hypoglycemic coma, and even death. Compared to hyperglycemia, the acute health risks associated with hypoglycemia are often greater. However, in clinical practice, the risk of hypoglycemia is often more easily overlooked. As one of the most common acute complications of diabetes, hypoglycemia can occur in any diabetes patient. Severe hypoglycemia may cause fatal coma, fracture, arrhythmia and other problems. Therefore, in addition to closely monitoring and controlling high blood sugar, more attention should be paid to the potential risks and hazards of low blood sugar.
Professor Mu Yiming, chief physician of the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, pointed out: "Clinicians and patients usually use the Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGM) for blood glucose management. Its stability and accuracy are very critical, because it can help doctors and patients better control the overall situation of blood glucose. It can detect blood glucose abnormalities in a timely manner, and tell us how long the abnormality lasts. It can also let us see the impact of hypoglycemic treatment and daily living habits on blood glucose levels, so as to help us better manage diabetes. In actual use, we should also pay special attention to the amount of data within the hypoglycemic range. Especially for high-risk diabetes patients, such as those who use insulin, specific drugs, the elderly and people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the CGM system that can accurately capture hypoglycemia data is particularly important. This can timely detect and intervene in the occurrence of hypoglycemia. The expert group of our Expert Consensus on the Clinical Application of Continuous Glucose Monitoring is writing the guidance, hoping to provide reference for the clinical standardized use of CGM and improve the comprehensive blood glucose management level of diabetes patients in China. " Abbott Instant Continuous Dynamic Glucose Monitoring System is a leader in the global diabetes management field. Abbott Instant Continuous Dynamic Glucose Monitoring System is widely used in more than 60 countries, and more than 5.5 million diabetes patients worldwide have chosen Instant Glucose. Since entering the Chinese market in 2017, Abbott's Instagram has served over 500000 Chinese users, accumulating rich global and local real-world data. At the same time, Instagram is currently the only continuous glucose monitoring system in China that is suitable for children (4 years old and above). With high-quality products and services, Abbott Instantly has over a thousand scientific evidence-based studies worldwide, and has high accuracy in monitoring hypoglycemia, normal blood sugar, and hyperglycemia ranges.
Professor Chen Liming, chief physician of Zhu Xianyi Memorial Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, also shared the cutting-edge international trend of diabetes management. She said: "With the continuous improvement of the diagnosis, treatment and management of diabetes, the international has launched an integrated continuous glucose monitoring system (iCGM) standard with higher accuracy requirements. Products that meet this standard can be integrated with other medical devices connected by open communication protocols, used for manual control or in conjunction with automatic insulin delivery systems, so as to adjust the insulin dose. The standard has strict requirements for 11 performance indicators of glucose monitoring, including reading accuracy covering the whole blood glucose range, stability of the sensor throughout the life cycle, and measurement data for children's wearers, and many others Requirements are the most stringent international standards for CGM accuracy at present. We look forward to the completion and release of the Expert Consensus on the Clinical Application of Continuous Glucose Monitoring, which can answer the common questions in the clinical practice of CGM among clinicians in China. We also hope that new technologies and methods for diabetes treatment will be understood and accepted by more and more doctors and patients, and will benefit more patients with diabetes. "
In March last year, Abbott Instagram was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be connected to automated insulin delivery (AID) systems in the US market. Based on the real-time glucose data provided by Instantaneous Sensing, the AID system can automatically adjust the injection dose of insulin to help diabetes patients with daily blood glucose management. As an outstanding scientific innovation achievement that has made contributions to human health, Abbott Instantly has been awarded the Gallen Prize, also known as the Nobel Prize in Medicine. In the future, Abbott will continue to focus on patients, allowing warm and thoughtful cutting-edge technology and high-quality services to benefit more patients. (Zeng Dejin)
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