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Advanced intelligent driving in another car accident, Ideal L9 mistook a billboard for a real car and ended up being rear ended

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After the M7 Shanxi accident, another accident caused by advanced intelligent driving has attracted attention.
Recently, a car owner of the Ideal L9 in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, announced on social media that he had activated the assisted driving system while driving the Ideal L9 Pro version on a highway. While driving, the vehicle detected a picture of a small truck on a billboard and suddenly brake sharply, causing a rear end collision. After the accident, the vehicle owner was determined by the traffic police to be fully responsible for the accident.
According to the data, the Ideal L9 Pro model is equipped with the Ideal Intelligent Driving AD Pro, which can achieve safe and comfortable high-speed NOA assisted driving. The model is equipped with 10 cameras, 12 ultrasonic radars, and 1 millimeter wave radar. During this year's Beijing Auto Show, Ideal Automobile announced the comprehensive evolution of intelligent driving capabilities on the AD Pro and AD Max platforms. Among them, AD Pro 3.0 was launched with OTA 5.2 in early May, achieving high-speed NOA with a thousand kilometer takeover level, urban LCC with support for starting and stopping at traffic lights, and intelligent parking for complex parking spaces.
In response to the accident, Ideal Automobile stated that the conclusion of the analysis of the accident was that visual inspection of the truck on the billboard ahead caused abnormal deceleration of the vehicle, and there were indeed some limitations to assisted driving. For this accident, Ideal Automobile stated that it can provide the owner with a compensation of 4000 yuan. But the car owner believes that the main cause of the accident was due to the vehicle's condition, not his own improper driving, and demands that Ideal Automobile compensate 20000 yuan.
It is worth mentioning that in May last year, a car owner in Ganzi, Sichuan Province, was driving the Ideal L7 normally on the road when suddenly the speed dropped from 80km/h to 20km/h and stopped directly. The car owner stated that there were no obstacles on the road at that time, only a billboard with a person preparing to start running. The car owner contacted Ideal Auto, and the official stated that the incident was due to the LiDAR identifying the person on the billboard who was about to start as a real person in the middle of the road, which led to an emergency stop. In addition, Xiaopeng, NIO, Huawei Wenjie, and Tesla have all experienced accidents caused by incomplete intelligent driving assistance systems.
An expert in the field of autonomous driving told reporters that the current mainstream driving assistance systems mainly use cameras and millimeter waves for perception. The disadvantage of cameras is that they have low recognition accuracy and are difficult to distinguish objects that are closer in color to the sky; Millimeter wave radar has higher recognition accuracy, but is less sensitive to stationary objects and cannot accurately identify objects made of materials such as plastic and fabric. From the current perspective, although the progress of intelligent assisted driving systems is rapid, they have not yet achieved foolproof results.
"When car companies promote their intelligent driving assistance systems, they always exaggerate how powerful the system is, leading to some users blindly believing in and following the system. When handing over products to users, car companies should fully remind them of scene restrictions and usage risks." said the person.
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