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Latest JD Financial Responds to 'Run on Bank' Rumors: Rumors Are Purely Lying on Gun and Not Having Time to Watch Talk Shows! JD.com also responded that there are no plans to collaborate with related talk show actors in the future

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On the early morning of October 18th, a screenshot claiming that the huge withdrawal of JD Financial's wealth management products could not be redeemed circulated on various social media platforms. The screenshot shows "The current product has triggered a huge redemption. Please try again on the next redemption opening day
After the picture spread on the internet, some netizens were concerned about a run on JD Finance.
On the morning of the 18th, the official Weibo account of JD Finance responded to the rumors circulating online, saying, "Family, this is just lying on the gun! I don't have time to watch talk shows, but I am dedicated to helping everyone manage their finances. Your money is not only good, but also increasing in value. Our small treasury should be the highest yielding asset on the market. And we should live and use it, resist rumors, starting from me
On the morning of the 18th, a reporter from Zhengguan News contacted JD Financial's customer service to inquire about recent rumors. The other party stated, "The JD Financial platform does not have the problem you reported. The online statements are untrue. Users' funds in JD Financial are managed by licensed financial institutions and are subject to legal supervision and protection, so there is no need to worry about fund safety." In response to the online rumor that large withdrawals cannot be redeemed on the same day, the other party said, "The redemption rules for different products are different, and specific page screenshots need to be provided by users themselves for consultation.
According to Red Star News, on October 18th, JD Finance's latest response stated that users' funds on JD Finance are managed by licensed financial institutions and are subject to legal supervision and protection. All types of wealth management products are operating normally. Posting provocative remarks online and maliciously inciting users to "run on the bank" is suspected of violating relevant national laws and regulations, disrupting financial market order, and affecting financial system stability. JD.com reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.
On the afternoon of the 18th, the official Weibo account of JD.com released a statement from the JD promotion marketing team, stating that recently, the participation of related talk show actors in JD 11.11 marketing activities has attracted attention from netizens. If this has caused you a bad experience, we deeply apologize! We do not have any plans to collaborate with relevant actors in the future. We will further increase the subsidy for JD 11.11 to give back to consumers' concern and support for JD.
Comprehensive daily economic news from Red Star News, The Paper News, Zhengguan News, and JD Financial Weibo
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