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Official announcement: Overseas companies illegally conduct surveying and mapping under the pretext of intelligent driving of automobiles! Tesla, Jike, Mobileye, and NavInfo responded overnight

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A leak warning from the Ministry of National Security has attracted responses from many companies.
On October 16, the WeChat official account of the Ministry of National Security issued a document saying that in recent years, as the national security organs have increased their efforts to crack down on illegal surveying and mapping activities, some overseas organizations have gradually turned to carrying out so-called project cooperation with domestic enterprises to evade supervision, illegally collecting China's original surveying and mapping data, threatening China's national security. The national security agency discovered that a certain overseas enterprise, Company A, illegally conducted geographic information surveying and mapping activities in China by cooperating with Company B, which has surveying and mapping qualifications in China, under the cover of conducting research on intelligent driving of automobiles.
Announcement introduction: Company A is a contractor for a key sensitive field project in a certain country. According to the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China, it does not have the qualification to conduct geographic information surveying and mapping activities independently in China. In order to avoid supervision by China's industry regulatory authorities, the company outsourced the project multiple times under the pretext of researching intelligent driving for automobiles, and ultimately entrusted domestic B company with surveying and mapping qualifications to implement it. Driven by the temptation of economic interests, Company B has completely become a puppet of Company A, and its surveying qualifications have provided cover for Company A's illegal acquisition of surveying data within our territory.
According to the laws and regulations of our country, the raw data of surveying and mapping geographic information may involve high-precision measurement information of military important areas, key departments, etc., which poses a risk of being used overseas to mark our key core parts. In order to ensure the security and controllability of raw data during the surveying and mapping process, the "Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Regulations on the Management of Surveying and Mapping Results of the People's Republic of China" have specific provisions that require surveying and mapping entities to not only possess surveying qualifications, but also strictly implement the responsibility of data confidentiality management.
After appraisal, many of the data collected by Company A belong to state secrets. In this incident, Company B ignored the relevant regulations and requirements of the surveying industry during its surveying activities, allowing overseas enterprises to control the flow of data, resulting in the uncontrolled dissemination of raw surveying data. In response to the above situation, national security agencies have carried out joint law enforcement activities with relevant departments. The involved companies and relevant responsible personnel have been held legally accountable.
Due to Company A's research on intelligent driving in automobiles, many netizens have linked the incident to related new energy vehicle companies. Intel's autonomous driving company Mobileye is also under suspicion.
On the evening of October 16th, Yang Xueliang, Senior Vice President of Geely Holding Group, responded to online rumors involving Mobileye and Jike Motors on Weibo, stating that this matter "has nothing to do with Jike and is not the work of Jike's partners. Rumors stop at the wise".
Jike is a new energy vehicle brand under Geely. The old model of Jike 001 is equipped with Mobileye intelligent driving solution, while the 2025 Jike 001 adopts Haohan intelligent driving.
On the early morning of October 17th, Mobileye China's official Weibo released a statement stating that as a leading enterprise in the automotive industry, Mobileye has always been committed to promoting the advancement of road safety technology. We continue to invest in the fields of data security and legal compliance. In relevant countries and regions, including China, we operate in full compliance with the law under the supervision of qualified partners. We strictly comply with all relevant laws and regulations to ensure that our operations meet the highest standards of security and compliance
Mobileye is a provider of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving solutions in Israel, leading in computer vision, machine learning, data analysis, positioning, and smart mobility. Its customers include BMW, Audi, Volkswagen, Nissan, Honda, and others. Intel acquired Mobileye for approximately $15.3 billion in 2017.
Tesla has also responded to this. On the evening of October 16th, Tesla's Vice President of External Affairs, Tao Lin, posted on Weibo that compliance is the bottom line of business operations. "Tesla has always believed that compliant intelligence is the intelligence of sustainable development. Our goal is to provide consumers with safe and reliable products and excellent and stable services
According to Tesla's introduction, Tesla has established the Tesla Shanghai Data Center in 2021 to achieve localized data storage.
On the evening of October 16th, the official Weibo account of Beijing Siwei Tuxin Technology Co., Ltd., @ Siwei Tuxin, announced that Siwei Tuxin has been deeply involved in the automotive industry for 22 years. In the face of the wave of automotive intelligence, it has accelerated its transformation in recent years and continues to support the healthy and orderly development of the automotive industry. At the same time, NavInfo always adheres to the principles of legal and compliant enterprise management, firmly opposes all online rumors that defame and damage the company's reputation, and will take necessary legal measures to defend it. Please do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors. Let's work together to create a healthy, harmonious, and authentic online environment.
According to the official website of NavInfo, NavInfo (002405) was founded in 2002. Currently, NavInfo has formed a product layout with intelligent driving as the leader, integrating a complete set of software and hardware combination solutions such as chips, intelligent cabins, big data, and high-precision positioning. It has been designated by multiple leading car brands in various fields for a long time and is a leading enterprise in the field of intelligent travel. Based on years of data collection advantages and relevant qualifications such as high-precision maps, high-precision positioning, and lane level navigation, NavInfo can provide multi-dimensional big data services and complete data compliance closed-loop services for ecological partners and government agencies.
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