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Jia Yueting talks about FF's second brand mission: to do more things that Tesla has not achieved. There is a huge market gap between $40000 and $60000

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On October 16th, Jia Yueting released a video discussing the mission of Faraday X (FX), the second brand of FF.
Jia Yueting stated that the mission of FX is not simply to compete with Tesla, but rather to do things that Tesla has not achieved. As the pioneer of the new energy industry, the United States has actually been completely lagging behind China's development speed in recent years.
How to truly promote the rapid development of the AI EV industry in the United States, I think it may be a new historical opportunity for FF. Many of these audience groups now have only two choices: either buy Tesla or buy plug-in hybrids. And plug-in hybrid is actually a gasoline car, whether in terms of AI, autonomous driving, or overall handling performance, the experience is closer to gasoline cars, and it is difficult to achieve the ultimate experience like pure electric, so users have no choice.
There is a huge gap between $40000 and $60000, which is the gap for extended range, so we are doing both below Tesla prices and within the same price range as Tesla. The three main price ranges we have announced to the public are 20000 to 30000, 30000 to 50000, and 50000 to 80000, which are currently blank areas and blue ocean markets. We are making every effort to enter this market. What kind of value can be generated by fully reacting FF and FX.
Jia Yueting Weibo

On October 9th, Faraday Future (FFIE. US) announced the acceptance of a 10% share donation from "Grow Up! Striver" company, which was originally held by FF's founder and chief product user ecosystem officer Jia Yueting. According to media reports, Jia Yueting said: Repaying debts and returning to my home country is something I must accomplish in the second half of my life. All I can do is persevere, not give up, and keep moving forward. I hope that the gift of my personal equity and income can effectively contribute to the realization of FF's vision, thereby promoting my personal efforts to repay domestic debts as soon as possible and return to my home country as soon as possible.
On September 20th, Faraday Future (FF) announced the launch of its second brand, Faraday X. According to the Beijing News Beike Finance, at the press conference, Jia Yueting, founder of Faraday Future, stated that the goal of the second brand mentioned above is to become the "Toyota" of the intelligent electric vehicle market, and will enter the extended range hybrid vehicle market in the future.
Faraday Future announced on its official Weibo account that the company has released its second brand Faraday X (FX) and product launch plan, aiming to become the Toyota of the AIEV era by offering two AIEV (Artificial Intelligent Electric Vehicle) products with "twice the performance and half the price" to American users.
The first batch of FX models will be the FX 5, expected to sell for $20000 to $30000, and the FX 6, expected to sell for $30000 to $50000, offering two powertrain options: extended range AIEV and pure electric AIEV. The goal is to start production by the end of 2025, provided necessary funding is obtained.
The company has established cooperative relationships with four Chinese vehicle manufacturers, signed two strategic framework agreements and two memorandums of understanding, and is further signing final agreements with these host manufacturers.
FX will launch two models in the first phase, including the FX 5 priced between $20000 and $30000- a large space sport AIEV aimed at the mainstream market. The slogan of FX 5's product is "Create Your Ultimate AIEV Price Ratio Together", aiming to become the first AIEV for every struggler and help users balance work and life.
And the FX6, priced between $30000 and $50000, is a luxurious family AI ultra large space vehicle. FX 6's product slogan is "Create Your AI Travel Home Together", aiming to become the first choice for mobile AI spaces and home AIEVs for happy families, helping users balance family and personal needs.
The FX 5 and FX 6 models will offer two powertrain options: extended range AIEV and pure electric AIEV. Depending on the necessary financial support, FX's goal is to produce its first car by the end of 2025, and the company will work closely with potential partners to achieve this goal.
According to official FF data, FF will deliver a total of 10 FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance vehicles throughout 2023. On February 7, 2024, FF announced the delivery of 1 FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance vehicle to the public. Adding the two cars delivered in June and August, Jia Yueting has delivered 13 cars in 10 years of car manufacturing.
Daily Economic News Comprehensive from Jia Yueting's Weibo, New Beijing News Beike Finance, Public Information
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