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Google Budd unexpectedly "stood in line" with the US Department of Justice! Frankly speaking, Google abuses its illegal monopoly power

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Did Bard, an artificial intelligence chat robot developed by Google, actually engage in "traitor" behavior?
In September, the US Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google, accusing it of maintaining its status as the default search engine on web browsers and mobile devices through billions of dollars in transactions every year, in order to stifle competition.
Recently, some media questioned Bud about this matter. When asked whether he agreed with the view of the US Department of Justice, Bud chose to stand on the side of the federal government, claiming that the evidence of the US prosecutor clearly showed that Google "illegally used its monopoly power to maintain its dominant position in the online search market".
Budd said, "I think the Department of Justice should have the upper hand in this case." "If Google is found to have violated antitrust laws, the court should order Google to change its business behavior and make other search engines more competitive. This will lead to increased competition in the online search market and lower consumer prices
Bud: Google harms consumer interests
Recently, Google is working hard to avoid a court ruling that could overturn its business model.
In September of this year, the US Department of Justice stated that Google annually reports to Apple and AT& T; T and other partners have paid over ten billion US dollars to ensure that their search engine becomes the default search engine for most devices and maintains a 90% market share. In 2021 alone, it reached as high as 26.3 billion US dollars.
In his opening statement, Kenneth Dintzer, a lawyer for the Ministry of Justice, claimed that Google had "abused the monopoly of general search" in the past 12 years and warned that "the harm of Google's exclusive contract has affected every phone and computer in this country." In addition, the federal government also accused Google of abusing its dominant position and raising the prices of advertisers.
During the trial, Google's competitors in the search field, including Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg, testified that these transactions made it almost impossible for Google's dominant position to be weakened.
Regarding this accusation, Bud agrees, "I agree with the Ministry of Justice's view that Google's dominant position in the online search market harms consumers' interests. Google's high prices on search advertising make it more expensive for businesses to reach customers. Google's lack of innovation leads to lower quality search results for users
He asserts that default search engine transactions "make it difficult for new search engines to enter the market and stifle innovation
The chat robot listed several specific cases of "Google's anti-competitive behavior," including its default search protocols with Apple and Mozilla.
When asked what actions the judge should take to control Google's search business, Budd also proposed several possible solutions - including ordering Google to terminate its default search engine transactions, requiring Google to share search data with competitors, and even splitting Google's search advertising business.
Regarding Budd's remarks, a Google spokesperson said in an interview, "All large language models have hallucination issues, including Budd
The spokesperson said, "As we have always said, Bud is an experiment that seems to be better at recommending must-see attractions in New York or suggesting Thanksgiving decorations, rather than expressing opinions on complex antitrust lawsuits
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