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Can Jia Yueting Revive the Future of Luo Yonghao and Faraday?

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Jia Yueting has new news again. Recently, he publicly stated that he plans to launch live streaming sales to support FF's car making plan, but the market response may not be as good as his expectations.
The dividend period of live streaming e-commerce has passed, and the market environment and consumer behavior have undergone significant changes. If Mr. Jia wants to imitate Luo Yonghao's live streaming sales strategy to make money, he may need to be prepared to face a series of "pitfalls" first.
Firstly, the entry time was chosen incorrectly. If LeEco had not "run away" at that time, it might have been possible to live stream with Luo Yonghao. However, now that the dividend period of live streaming e-commerce has passed, this channel is gradually saturated, and competition has become extremely fierce. Consumers nowadays have a more mature and rational understanding of live streaming sales. In addition, with the diversification of e-commerce platforms and the continuous improvement of personalized recommendation algorithms, consumers' shopping choices have become more diverse and accurate, which further weakens the attractiveness of live streaming sales.
Due to his initial choice, Jia Yueting's current image has been negatively affected. Live streaming e-commerce is highly linked to its own credibility, even pushing personal charm and trust to unprecedented heights. If Jia Yueting wants to make a difference in the battlefield of live streaming sales, he must find a way to turn this "stumbling block" into a "stepping stone" and establish an emotional connection with consumers. But this is too difficult.
Moreover, the reputation of a deadbeat limits his ability to conduct commercial activities in China, while the live streaming sales market in foreign countries does not focus on celebrity effects, but rather on product quality. Perhaps there are more complicated regulations waiting for him to solve, and it is not something that can be done.
Although Mr. Jia said he wanted to fill the gap in FF's sales through live streaming, to be honest, 9 years have passed and Xiaomi's electric cars have all been mass-produced. However, FF only delivered 10 cars in January this year, and mass production is still far from expected. Let's say he's just making cars for fun, it's only 9 years in a blink of an eye; It's confusing to say that it's striving for its dreams and hasn't achieved much in 9 years.
The current electric vehicle market is no longer 9 years old, and there is a certain disconnect between FF's product positioning and market demand. Faraday's future focus is on the high-end electric vehicle market, and the competition in this market is very fierce.
Tesla, NIO, Xiaopeng and other brands have already occupied a dominant position in the market. In order for Faraday to make breakthroughs in this field in the future, it is undoubtedly necessary to provide products with unique advantages and innovation. However, from the current situation, Faraday's products have not shown sufficient competitiveness.
But if there is no chance, it may be too absolute. After all, foreign live streaming sales have not yet reached the red ocean stage, and perhaps even Mr. Jia has found a breakthrough point. As for whether it can be broadcast later.
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