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Why does the United States consume more than 1.4 billion people in China? One thing makes it completely exposed.

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It is well known that national happiness indicators depend more on national consumption levels. In other words, the purchasing power of nationals can directly reflect the economic level of a country.
If the country has a large population and consumption increases significantly, the economic level and conditions of the country will be strong.
My country is the most populous country in the world, with hundreds of millions of newborns born every year. China deserves the largest country.
Although the economy has contracted significantly over the past two years as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, it is recovering slowly and tending to exceed the economic levels of previous years.
The capacity of the people to consume is an expression of the power of the State. China, as a large country with a large population, can naturally count as one of the countries with the highest levels of consumption in the world.
It is strange that, although China is one of the largest countries in the world, it has the second largest economy. Despite notable improvements in the national economy, China still does not have the greatest purchasing power in the world.
The United States is the largest consumer in the world, but with only 300 million people. Why? Why does the United States, with a much smaller population than China, consume more energy than China? What's the secret here?
Americans love garbage very much. On the other hand, the Chinese have deep-rooted virtues such as hard work and economy.
In fact, it is difficult to convince the public simply that consumption levels in the United States are higher than in China. But in fact, long before the outbreak, there were too many articles in the media about the differences in consumption between China and the United States.
In 2019, according to data published by the media, it was clear that US GDP had reached 6 trillion, while China's GDP remained at 5 trillion. Compared to the United States, where consumption has reached alarming levels, the population of China, although 1.1 billion more than that of the United States, is far below its level of consumption.
Why? The United States population is small, but the economic level is far greater than ours. How did this happen?
Although my country is the second largest economy in the world, and although it lags slightly behind the United States, it has surpassed many of the economically backward countries and once led far. That is sufficient evidence of the excellent economic opportunities in our country.
Our consumption level, which is lower than that of the United States, does not prove anything, as it does not equal income and financial capacity.
Many Chinese feel very ashamed about throwing garbage. Those who waste their resources will also be criticized in our country.
But in America, Americans are not only proud of their garbage, but also like it. It was once the most wasteful country in the world, and there are still many who do not value food.
Because of its small population, the United States was the first developed country in the world. The distribution of population resources is uneven, or the upper classes have the best resources in the world, while the poor live in hunger, representing two extremes.
How ridiculous are their rich people?
The American star Kardashian has succeeded in accumulating countless assets and owning many villas with his own skill. Perhaps because of her dietary habits, she was particularly inclined to drink “fresh” tap water. She doesn't like to drink. Hot water.
In order to ensure that she had access to “fresh” running water at all times, she had acted in great mystery.
She will choose to open her household tap 24 hours a day. Even if she was not at home on that day, she would have let the nanny open the water.
You know, water resources are actually decreasing each year. Everyone demands respect for water, but the Kardashian taps are not used all day. If 20 litres of water could be lost per hour, that would be 440 litres of water per day. I don't know.
If these water resources are in China, how many trees are needed to save water resources in the desert? How many families value water resources?
Despite the slogan “Protection of the environment and preservation of the environment”, the United States speaks and does a very different story. Netizens call it “the United States double standard”.
This is not the most exaggerated. In the United States, spreading waste has swept the country. Even in November, when temperatures are very cold in the United States, subway and mall air conditioning will be available until the first quarter. Black!
In the United States, the malls are basically up all night with lights on, and some of the American families have balconies all night. They don't want to drive anywhere. Even if they had walked for five minutes, they had not taken heavy weight and had to drive.
For Americans, even when they have a loan, they have to buy a car, and they particularly like to buy cars that are fuel-intensive. This is a waste of resources.
According to some bloggers living in the United States, Americans prefer to waste food. If the stick was placed for more than eight hours, it would be thrown away and even beggars would not eat.
Lights and air conditioning in the administrative building are never closed. The short video platform uses a different giant pizza as a carpet, thousands of Jell-O boxes as a sink to collect extremely boring tricks. This is a serious waste. Resources held.
Another reason is that the United States has a small population base with more resources than many countries. The United States Government has a lot of money. In order to retain employees, it could decide to start only with social security.
In the United States, it is not uncommon for the office buildings to open lights all night and to be thrown away after bottled water. If the party is cancelled in a short period of time, a large plate of food will be thrown out.
Worst of all, these wasted resources will be transferred to other countries by United States polluting enterprises, which then accuse other countries of being “unfriendly and unqualified”. If everyone eats meat, the planet will be destroyed. Done. It's not like it's the same thing.
For a long time, Americans, rich and poor alike, have become a wasteful habit. Moreover, the United States Government had a great sense of vanity and wanted to be the first. They also wanted to be first in economic consumption levels. I don't know.
The United States Government, therefore, while vigorously promoting “waste”, had also hypocritically told the United Nations to vigorously protect the environment.
Can Americans not be the first consumers of the global economy in a social environment in which Governments take the lead in “waste”, which is a waste of luxury?
In fact, waste of resources is not the real reason for high consumption in the United States. There is another more important reason.
Early consumption concepts
It is logical that many families in China have the habit of saving money to prepare for their needs. The money saved could be the salvation of many families.
Without this savings, many families will lose their support.
But Americans are different. Basically, much of their country's resources were taken away. In addition, many people in the United States die from accidents, shooting or addiction. As a result, American land is becoming fewer and more. As a result, the land resources of the United States are very rich.
American street junkies.
The biggest reason is that the United States was young. Despite its large population, the majority are immigrants or work visas. Of course, your Chinese won't be under mortgage pressure. That way, they'll have a huge increase in money.
The United States is a developed country with extremely high wages. Every year, countless people from other countries want to live in the United States or get a United States green card.
The fastest and most efficient way to obtain a green card is to work as a contract worker for Americans. As a result, Americans can employ many servants with little pay.
One of the main reasons is that most Americans are very selfish. Their educational philosophy is to take care of themselves and enjoy their lives in a timely manner. As a result, many Americans have no savings and spend a month in advance.
Naturally, there's a very rich feeling that they buy things just to see if they like it. It's not common to spend a month on a simple luxury.
On the other hand, almost all Chinese know that overconsumption is a bad habit and that they will not buy anything beyond what they can accept. As a result, their consumption is naturally lower than that of extremely luxuriant Americans.
The United States Government justified that phenomenon and even issued bonds to support the country ' s economic growth. As a result, almost all Americans, from 90-year-old women to young adults, are fighting high debt.
Although the United States appears to have succeeded in becoming the country with the highest level of global consumption through various operations, what is the first point?
You know, America is the wastest country in the world, not to mention! In addition, the debt problem of the United States was $24 trillion, and countless nationals were devouring their own funds. This is the least we can do!
Even though American consumption is higher than ours, isn't that their luxury waste?
While calling for protection of the environment, they continue to waste the precious resources of the planet for their own living standards. Although they are developed countries, many still condemn their misconduct.
When I see the waste of resources, I am often impressed. We must protect our resources. The Earth belongs to everyone! No one's greed is an excuse to harm the Earth! We must be more caring for the environment and water!
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The monk earns millions a year and 400 women give him “births”. He's also known as the Living Buddha.
The Hebei rich man named by the People ' s Daily has died: 20 billion a year, without giving a penny to the child.
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