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New brands joining Tmall Global grew by 92% in the first quarter

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Recently, Tmall Global released the 2024 Q1 Global Supernova Brand List. In the first quarter of this year, the number of new brands on Tmall Global increased by 92% year-on-year, and the total transaction volume of new brands increased by 179% year-on-year. Among them, pure beauty, health care, and trendy accessories have become rapidly growing categories. South Korea, the United States, Japan, Germany, and Australia are the five countries with the highest number of new brand registrations.
It is understood that this ranking is based on a comprehensive ranking of three dimensions: flagship store size, brand influence, and consumer preference for new brands settled in the first quarter of this year, and 10 of the fastest growing emerging faces have been selected.
The list shows 10 new brands from countries such as South Korea, the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Spain. Among them, there are both overseas "time-honored" brands, subsidiary brands of large groups, as well as professional niche brands, internet celebrity new brands, and emerging new products in multiple segmented tracks such as plain cream, nose wash bottles, electrolyte granules, etc., which are popular immediately after their launch and quickly establish a foothold on the platform.
Emis, a accessories brand from South Korea, is one of the top domestic brands, with its flagship product, baseball caps, almost every local celebrity has one. After joining Tmall Global in January, Emis's monthly transactions have continuously exceeded one million. Another new brand driven by popular items is Navage, a new brand from North America. Navage is a professional nose wash bottle brand in the United States, which has consistently ranked first in Amazon's nose wash bottle category for many years. After entering Tmall Global in January this year, single item transactions quickly exceeded one million. LiquIDIV is a subsidiary brand of Unilever, specializing in electrolytes and solvents. This seemingly niche niche track quickly broke through on the Tmall International platform, accurately meeting the needs of outdoor enthusiasts, and the main single product saw a three fold increase in sales month on month.
Tmall Global has always been the preferred platform for overseas new brands to enter China. Currently, Tmall Global has over 46000 brands from over 90 countries and regions worldwide. Over the years, by continuously improving import infrastructure such as logistics, warehousing, and supply chain, Tmall Global has built a "fast lane" for overseas brands to enter China, helping them to more conveniently and efficiently explore the Chinese market.
The person in charge of the Emis brand stated that Tmall Global has invested in nanny style operation guidance and a series of precise traffic tilt for new brands. At the same time, there are a large number of young consumers active on the platform who have a strong curiosity about global new trends. These factors have made it easy for imported new brands to start from scratch.
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