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US FTC Announces New Non compete Agreement, Apple Announces Spring Release | Global Markets

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Given that this round of US stock earnings season has passed another stable day, the European and American markets continued their rebound from Monday last night and this morning. The Nasdaq and S&P 500 index rose more than 1% together, while the FTSE 100 index in the UK slightly hit a new historical high. The sustained recovery of Hong Kong technology stocks has also driven the collective strength of US and Chinese concept stocks.
Of course, the next two days will still be determined by the financial reports. According to FactSet data, as of Tuesday, nearly 20% of S&P 500 index constituent stocks have disclosed performance, with 76% of companies performing better than market expectations. In addition, Tesla, a character whose financial reports were generally worse than expected but could tell a story that stirred the hearts of the capital market, maintained the atmosphere of sustained market sentiment warming.
In a short one hour earnings conference call, Musk emphasized unmanned "Cyber taxis", lower priced new cars, humanoid robots, authorized FSDs, 85000 NVIDIA graphics cards, and emphasized that Tesla is an "AI robot company", not a car company. These are all words that the market loves to hear, causing investors to overlook that Tesla's financial report for this quarter is not beautiful. It must be admitted that this ability to tell stories is also an indispensable quality for him to create the Tesla Empire and once become the world's richest man.
It should be emphasized that as Friday's US PCE data approaches (with GDP data still available on Thursday), coupled with the Federal Reserve's latest interest rate decision next week, the market will gradually enter a more cautious state according to convention.
In terms of commodities, gold is still in a downward trend, and the market generally believes that this adjustment is healthy; Industrial metals such as nickel and copper have also generally declined. After the rapid rise of copper prices in recent times, approaching the $10000 mark, the market has become more sensitive to news about supply and demand relationships. The Chilean Copper Commission on Tuesday expected the country's copper production to reach a new high in 2025, and Anglo American Resources Group also reported on Monday that copper production increased by over 10% in Q1.
Other messages
Apple will hold its spring press conference on May 7th
On Tuesday, April 23rd local time, Apple announced that it will hold an online special event on May 7th, during which new hardware products will be launched. According to previous market spoilers, in addition to the new Apple Pencil depicted on the invitation letter, the new iPad Pro, iPad Air, and MiaoKong keyboard are expected to make their debut.
Tesla releases a new Model 3 high-performance version
On Wednesday morning Beijing time, Tesla released a brand new Model 3 high-performance version on its official website in the United States, and began accepting reservations simultaneously. Compared to the previous generation Model 3 high-performance version, the new version has a 32% increase in peak power, a 16% increase in peak torque, and a 5% reduction in drag.
According to Tesla's official website, the new Model 3 high-performance version is priced at $529900 (approximately RMB 383900) and has a range of 296 miles (approximately 476 kilometers). In line with the $7500 electric vehicle subsidy policy in the United States, the current landing price of the Model 3 high-performance version in the United States is even cheaper than the long range version of the Model 3 that cannot receive subsidies.
The Bank of Japan will discuss the impact of the rapid depreciation of the yen at this week's policy meeting
According to local media reports, the Bank of Japan will discuss the impact of rapid yen depreciation at this week's policy meeting, with a focus on the impact of rapid yen depreciation on inflation. The Bank of Japan is closely monitoring core inflation while weighing the timing of further interest rate hikes. The Bank of Japan is not in a hurry to make further adjustments, but carefully monitors the measures taken by small businesses to raise wages and shift costs. "We want to confirm that the cycle between wage and price growth is strengthening," said a source from the Bank of Japan
The US FTC's new regulations on non compete agreements will face legal challenges
On Tuesday local time, the Federal Trade Commission of the United States voted 3-2 to pass a resolution prohibiting US companies from using non compete agreements to prevent employees from joining competing companies. After the new regulations take effect, all existing non compete agreements will become invalid except for a small number of executives.
However, the Chamber of Commerce has made it clear that this new regulation is a "blatant power grab that will weaken the ability of American companies to maintain competitiveness" and will seek legal challenges from the FTC.
Coca Cola invests $1.1 billion to purchase Microsoft's AI cloud service
Global soft drink leader Coca Cola announced on Tuesday that the company has reached a five-year strategic partnership with Microsoft, investing $1.1 billion over the next five years to purchase and use Microsoft's cloud computing and artificial intelligence services. As a comparison, Coca Cola signed a five-year cloud services and commercial software agreement with Microsoft in 2020, with a bundled price of only $250 million at the time.
【 Guo Minggui: Sharp decline in demand, Apple's downward revision of Vision Pro shipments in 2024 】
Renowned electronics industry analyst Guo Minggui stated on Tuesday that Apple has now lowered the shipment volume of Vision Pro in 2024 to 400000-450000 units, which is significantly less than the current market consensus of 700000-800000 units. Apple cut orders before releasing the Vision Pro in markets outside the United States, indicating that the sharp decline in demand in the US market exceeded expectations, leading Apple to be more conservative in its view of overseas market demand.
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