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Financial One Account Release 2023 ESG Report

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On April 23rd, Yizhengtong Financial Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Financial Yizhengtong") officially released the "2023 Environmental, Social and Management (ESG) Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). The report comprehensively disclosed the concept, policies, measures, practical cases, and key performance of Financial One Account in ESG risk and opportunity management in 2023.
In terms of empowering the transformation and development of financial institutions, Financial One Account has established in-depth partnerships with multiple domestic and foreign financial institutions in 2023, relying on big data risk control technology to assist in the construction of a risk control system covering the entire process of credit business, strengthening risk prediction, prediction, and early warning, effectively improving proactive risk control capabilities, improving credit management business efficiency, and effectively reducing operating costs.
In terms of assisting industry standardization construction. In June 2023, the national standard Information Security Technology Blockchain Information Service Security Specification led by the Information Engineering Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was officially released and implemented on December 1, 2023. Financial One Account, as an important participating unit, participated in the drafting of standards.
In the field of technology finance, Financial One Account has taken the lead in laying out AIGC and has been applied in vertical financial fields such as banking and insurance. By the end of 2023, the company had won 305 domestic and foreign awards, and many global leading scientific and technological projects based on artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing and so on had been launched in the "the Belt and Road" cooperation countries.
In the field of green finance, Financial One Account empowers the construction of a green financial system with financial technology. In the financial field, the company's blockchain team has created a "blockchain based carbon emission data comprehensive management platform" to solve the financial difficulties of pilot enterprises in business scenarios through green credit and other methods, providing green financial tools and other services, building a dual carbon digital information system for enterprises, and cooperating with the pilot to empower green finance, green credit and other businesses.
In the field of digital finance, Financial One Account has achieved multiple breakthroughs in digital credit, digital property insurance, digital life insurance, and other areas in 2023, continuously providing innovative products and solutions that meet the needs of digital transformation for financial institution customers.
Shen Chongfeng, Chairman and CEO of Financial One Account, stated that in 2024, the company will firmly grasp the opportunities of the times and walk the path of sustainable development belonging to Financial One Account. On the one hand, it will make every effort to do a good job in five major financial articles, and use technological innovation to drive the formation of new quality productivity in the financial industry; On the other hand, deepening the understanding and practice of ESG concepts, starting from details, and promoting high-quality development of the real economy with a responsible and sustainable attitude.
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