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Nenglian Smart Power: Revenue exceeded 170 million yuan in the third quarter of 2023, a year-on-year increase of 536%

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On October 26th, Nenglian Zhidian released its financial report for the third quarter of 2023: revenue exceeded 170 million yuan (23.4 million US dollars), a year-on-year increase of 536%, and a loss of 24.1 million US dollars calculated according to non international accounting standards, with a year-on-year decrease of 256% in the loss rate; The charging capacity is 1.383 billion kilowatt hours, an increase of 66% year-on-year, accounting for 21.8% of China's public charging capacity; The revenue from energy solutions such as EPC and energy storage accounts for 81%. The expected revenue for 2023 is 500 to 600 million yuan, while the expected revenue for 2024 is 2 to 3 billion yuan, a four to five fold increase.
Wang Yang, founder and CEO of Nenglian Zhidian, said, "Open traffic, open technology, open ecology, global carbon neutrality, openness creates the future. Nenglian Zhidian allows everyone to use green energy
In the third quarter of 2023, the order volume of Nenglian Smart Power reached 59.2 million, a year-on-year increase of 58%. As of September 30th, Nenglian Smart Electric has covered over 767000 charging guns and connected over 73000 charging stations, an increase of 76% and 65% respectively compared to the same period last year. In September, Nenglian Zhidian was included in the Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index; In October, it became one of the first key introduced enterprises by the Hong Kong SAR government.
In the revenue structure of energy chain smart electricity, energy solutions such as EPC and energy storage account for 81%. Nenglian Intelligent Power has obtained 204 million yuan of energy storage orders, covering more than 380 charging stations through cooperation, with a partial storage capacity of 130.088 MWh, and supporting the deployment of a comprehensive solution that integrates intelligent site selection services, supervision and debugging services, and energy management platforms; Winning the bid for the Anji Anshan Heavy Duty Truck Optical Charging, Storage and Exchange Integrated Station Project, which integrates "photovoltaic, energy storage, charging, and exchange" into one, with a total of 430 charging parking spaces, 36 233KWH energy storage integrated cabinets with a total capacity of 8388KWH, and a distributed photovoltaic system with a total installed capacity of 4205.4KW, with an estimated annual power generation of 4.328 million kilowatt hours.
In the third quarter, Nenglian Intelligent Power and its parent company Nenglian Holdings reached strategic cooperation with Zhongshunyi Finance and China Construction Bank, focusing on deep collaboration in areas such as global new energy asset investment and construction finance, supply chain finance, energy scenario payment and clearing, energy digital accounts, and industry merger and acquisition funding support, further providing assistance for sustainable business development.
Co founder of Nenglian Zhidian Introduction by President and CFO Wu Xuelu: We are satisfied with the excellent performance of the company in the third quarter. The energy solutions business has shown significant growth, accounting for 81% of total revenue, highlighting its core position in the company's business structure. With the continuous and rapid expansion of the business, the company's performance has shown a high growth trend, and the profit trajectory is becoming clearer. We will continue to be committed to providing efficient and stable new energy solutions to promote sustainable development of the industry
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