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China Concept Stock Briefing: Behind the Transfer of Some Assets by Jianghuai Automobile: The History of NIO OEM Will End

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Behind the Transfer of Some Assets by Jianghuai Automobile: The History of NIO OEM Will End
According to 21 Finance, recently, Jianghuai Motors announced the transfer of some assets through public listing. According to media reports, the two factories that Jianghuai Automobile transferred their assets are actually the two factories that Jianghuai and NIO cooperate with - the NIO NIO Advanced Manufacturing Base and NIO Second Advanced Manufacturing Base, namely NIO F1 Factory and NIO F2 Factory. NIO may acquire the above-mentioned assets of Jianghuai Automobile and further seek independent production qualifications. A person familiar with the matter told reporters that the Anhui Provincial Government and relevant departments have been coordinating various resources to address the production qualifications of NIO. The government department coordinated with NIO to acquire Changfeng Cheetah Enterprise in Chuzhou, solving the qualification problem. With the qualification, the history of OEM was ended by acquiring two factories of Jianghuai Automobile. Of course, NIO still has some way to go to obtain production qualifications, which is not a certainty.
IQiyi launches AI search generative AI products and enters the landing period
According to Sina Technology, iQiyi has upgraded its AI search and pioneered the "storyline search" function in the industry, achieving a new experience of "search and see" through AI video comprehension capabilities. According to the official introduction, unlike traditional searches where only the title can be found in the first step, the upgraded iQiyi AI search feature allows viewers to easily access their desired content with just one click during the search process. This is also the first time in the industry that generative AI technology has been applied to three major search scenarios: character search, plot search, and celebrity search.
Tmall Double 11 Launches Billion of Subsidies to Support Dynamic Price Comparison Across the Network, Buying Expensive Goods Must Be Compensated
According to Securities Daily, on October 23, the countdown to the 2023 Tmall Double 11 was one day, and Taobao added "billions in subsidies" to launch the Double 11 Crazy Supplement Special Session. Popular products in industries such as mobile digital, branded beauty, warm shoes and clothing, seasonal trendy products, and seasonal new products will be subsidized until the annual new low price spot sales. All products that participate in Taobao's billions of yuan subsidy support consumers to compare prices across the internet and pay for their expensive purchases. At present, Taobao's 10 billion yuan subsidy has been launched, and consumers can view it through the Taobao app homepage or by searching for "10 billion yuan subsidy". The reporter saw that the latest iPhone 15 series, Dyson hair dryers and other "hard currency" products on the entire network are all within the scope of this additional subsidy. Seasonal trendy products such as Bosden down jackets and NIKE sports shoes have also set up subsidy zones.
New Oriental's Layout Future Company Name Removed from Education New Oriental Layout Future Renamed to Technology Development Company
According to the Tianyancha App, recently, Beijing Layout Future Education Technology Co., Ltd. underwent a business change, with the company name changed to Beijing Layout Future Technology Development Co., Ltd. At the same time, the company's business scope has added technology import and export, goods import and export, etc. The company was established in July 2016, with Chai Mingyi as its legal representative and manager, Yu Minhong as its chairman, and a registered capital of 550 million RMB. It is wholly-owned by New Oriental Education Technology Group Co., Ltd.
Alibaba Damo Institute Releases Industry's First Remote Sensing AI Large Model
According to the official account of the Damo Academy, Alibaba Damo Academy has released the industry's first remote sensing AI large model (AIE-SEG). AIE-SEG has taken the lead in achieving unified image segmentation tasks in the field of remote sensing, and has achieved rapid extraction of 'zero samples of all things' with one model. It can recognize nearly a hundred types of remote sensing ground objects such as farmland, water bodies, and buildings, and can automatically adjust recognition results based on user interactive feedback. It is reported that remote sensing technology is mainly used for industry applications such as urban planning, farmland protection, and emergency relief. With the support of AI, relevant remote sensing technology can analyze satellite captured content and historical meteorological data, thereby assisting urban operations, farmland protection, emergency relief, and other industry applications.
Vipshop has been upgraded to AA by MSCI Mingsheng's ESG rating
According to Sina Technology, MSCI Mingsheng, an international authoritative index agency, recently released the latest ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) rating results of Vipshop, elevating the ESG rating of Vipshop from "A" to "AA", a leading level in the industry. MSCI is one of the most authoritative ESG index rating agencies internationally, and its rating results have become the mainstream investment reference in the international capital market. The MSCI-ESG rating range includes industry leading levels (AAA, AA), industry average levels (A, BBB, BB), and laggards (B, CCC).
Change of legal representative of Xiaopeng Automobile Investment Company, Chen Zhiyuan replacing Xia Heng
According to the interface news, the Tianyancha app shows that on October 19th, Guangzhou Xiaopeng Automobile Investment Co., Ltd. underwent a business change. Xia Heng resigned as the legal representative, executive director, and general manager, and Chen Zhiyuan took over as the legal representative, executive director, and manager. The company was established in January 2018 with a registered capital of 10 million RMB and is indirectly wholly-owned by Guangdong Xiaopeng Automotive Technology Co., Ltd.
NIO applies for the driver's internet trademark
According to the Tianyancha App, recently, NIO Automotive Technology (Anhui) Co., Ltd. applied to register the "NIO Driver Interconnection" trademark, which is classified as scientific instruments internationally. The current trademark status is awaiting substantive review. According to media reports, NIO, Huawei, Geely, Xiaopeng, Nezha, and others are all increasing their investment in the "Driver Interconnect" track. Not long ago, Hubei Xingji Meizu Group Co., Ltd. also applied to register the "Handcart Internet" trademark, and the current trademark status is awaiting substantive review.
Shell: It is expected that the activity of the housing rental market in the fourth quarter of this year will be higher than last year
According to the Securities Times, Shell Research Institute released a report on the development of China's housing rental market in the third quarter of 2023. The report points out that under the influence of seasonal factors, the activity of the rental market in the fourth quarter will decrease month on month. Considering the increase in rental demand caused by the delay in purchasing and subletting, coupled with the low activity of the rental market last year, it is expected that the market activity in the fourth quarter of this year will be higher than last year, and the rental level will maintain a stable and declining trend month on month and year on year.
Tencent's investment company invests in Sequoia Capital Fund
According to Tianyancha App, Hangzhou Sequoia Yuanheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) has undergone industrial and commercial changes recently, with the addition of Tencent's Shenzhen Century Kaihua Investment Fund Co., Ltd. as a partner. At the same time, the investment amount has increased from approximately RMB 10.15 billion to approximately RMB 10.95 billion. The partnership was established in April 2022, with the executive partner being Hangzhou Hongshan Kunpeng Management Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership). Its business scope is equity investment, jointly funded by Ningbo Hongshan Xinheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Hongshan Zhuoheng (Xiamen) Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership).
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