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Liu Qiangdong's Digital Person Debut Breaks Record, JD's Content based Layout Faces Challenges

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JD has accelerated the layout of its live streaming business. On the evening of April 16th at 6:18 pm, Liu Qiangdong made his debut as an AI digital person in the sales live broadcast room of JD.com supermarket. From the official announcement of the live broadcast to the start of the live broadcast, Liu Qiangdong Digital Human only took one day.
According to the data provided by JD.com, Liu Qiangdong's digital sales ability was verified during a 40 minute live broadcast.
How was the premiere result?
According to data provided by JD.com, during the period of Liu Qiangdong's digital sales promotion, the overall order volume of the live broadcast room exceeded 100000, and the number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded 13 million, creating the highest number of viewers since the launch of JD Supermarket's procurement and sales live broadcast room; The average duration of user stay during live streaming reaches 5.6 times the daily average.
During the live broadcast, Liu Qiangdong explained a total of 13 products, and the overall order volume increased by 7.6 times compared to last Sunday. Most of the products on sale are "billion yuan agricultural subsidies" from JD Supermarket, and the transaction volume within half an hour of broadcasting has increased by 5.7 times compared to last Sunday. Among them, Hu Jihua's ancient method peanut oil, October rice field corn, Beijing fresh raw edible eggs, Jane Eyre yogurt, JD Supermarket's overseas direct procurement beef patties, Beijing Baiwei Beibei pumpkin and other products are all sold out.
During the live broadcast, Liu Qiangdong, a digital figure, officially announced the "billion yuan agricultural subsidy" project launched by JD Supermarket. The first financial search found that the live stream received 1.14 million likes and 3.96 million replays, setting a new high. The daily likes and replays of JD Supermarket's sales live streaming are almost always below 50000.
Although live streaming has achieved a good start, many consumers believe that compared to live streamers, digital live streaming has a flat tone, a single expression, and a lack of interactivity.
In addition, JD.com has not yet provided a response on whether Liu Qiangdong's digital persona will continue to live stream on a regular basis in the future. In addition, whether the subsequent live broadcasts can continue the popularity of the first broadcast is also a question.
Regarding this, Zhang Yi, CEO of iMedia Consulting, stated that the premiere effect on April 16th was good due to two factors. Firstly, peers and upstream and downstream customers in the industry chain are paying attention to JD's transformation, focusing on JD's performance in digital human live streaming, and whether it will boost JD's performance. Secondly, from the perspective of JD users, they will also look forward to new experiences. From the perspective of sustained popularity, as long as it meets the needs of the customer group, the popularity of the second group is sustainable, while the popularity of the first group is unsustainable. Therefore, JD needs to improve the user experience.
From JD's strategy, last year on 618, JD began to attach importance to live streaming business. On May 30th last year, JD Live announced that "Make Friends" would officially join JD Live, and Luo Yonghao will conduct three live broadcasts during the 618 period. In order to promote "making friends", JD.com arranged a Hangzhou property with a discount of 6.18% during the live broadcast on May 31st.
However, in the future, JD.com downplayed the cooperation with external anchors and instead launched a JD sales live broadcast room on Double 11 last year. Regarding this, Zhang Yi stated that from the perspective of platform attributes, different consumer groups will have different consumption habits and products, and the cooperation effect with external anchors may not be very good. Secondly, external anchors are unstable, and the first affiliation platform of competing platform anchors is clear. Therefore, JD.com did not continue to cooperate with external top stream anchors in the future.
Last year on Double 11, JD's sales live broadcast room achieved good results. According to JD data, as of 23:59 on November 11th, the total number of viewers of JD's live streaming sales exceeded 380 million.
From JD's actions, it can be seen that JD hopes to cultivate anchors and influencers who grow on its own platform. On April 10th, JD.com announced that it will invest billions of cash and traffic as rewards to attract more original authors and high-quality content institutions to settle in.
Drainage is the key
From the perspective of industry development, JD's current layout is later than other platforms, but this layout is still necessary.
From the perspective of traffic, under the impact of short video e-commerce and other factors, JD.com urgently needs to attract traffic. At present, the growth rate of live streaming e-commerce is far faster than traditional e-commerce. The fourth quarter financial report of Kwai in 2023 shows that the GMV of e-commerce business increased by 29.3% year-on-year to 403.9 billion yuan, and the monthly average number of buyers of Kwai in the fourth quarter of 2023 exceeded 130 million, a new high. JD's revenue in the fourth quarter of 2023 reached 306.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%.
Zhang Yi said that the most important reason for JD's layout of content business is that the growth of Internet users has entered a bottleneck period. How to attract more users is crucial for JD. On the one hand, because of the importance of user traffic, how to find more e-commerce users is a very important issue for JD when the Internet enters the stock market. In addition, Internet users' demand for short videos and live content is growing, and short videos have become an important channel to attract users and promote consumption.
From the current content traffic, there are still many areas that need improvement on JD.com. According to a search by a journalist from First Financial News, the current content entry is not obvious on the JD App page. In& Quota; Strolling; Quota; After clicking on the column to enter,& Quota; Recommended; Quota; The column is similar to the Tiktok page. There are many video clips, funny, beauty, and lifestyle videos pushed, and most videos are not highly liked.
Zhang Yi stated that from external monitoring, JD.com needs to improve the matching between content and users, combine user product experience with services, attract better creators, and stimulate more user interaction. Customers can see that the price sensitivity of JD's user group is relatively low, and there is not much time for video interaction. Therefore, the content layout of JD is more difficult than that of Tiktok and other platforms, and more breakthroughs are needed.
In addition to content layout, low prices have been another focus of JD's efforts over the past year. Before and after Double 11 in 2022, Liu Qiangdong criticized internally that JD.com was losing its low price advantage. After implementing its low price strategy this year, JD.com has made adjustments to its discount strategy and other aspects. JD.com launched a billion dollar subsidy last year while lowering the free shipping threshold.
Last year's JD sales live streaming room, which gained popularity, also provided& Quota; No pit fees, no commission& Quota; The characteristics of attract merchants to cooperate.
For the merchant side, JD.com has launched the "Spring Dawn Plan" for various merchants, including 12 support policies such as providing fast entry channels for natural persons, "0 yuan trial operation", and 2100 yuan "new store gift package", to increase support for merchants and attract third-party merchants to settle in. A toy category merchant told First Financial that the reason for not joining JD for a long time is due to traffic. For the toy category, JD's traffic is relatively lower compared to other platforms. However, with JD's resource tilt towards POP merchants, he is considering joining JD.
Zhang Yi stated that focusing on content creation and continuing its low price strategy is the direction of JD's efforts this year. By providing low-priced products to attract low price sensitive consumers, the main benchmark is Pinduoduo. Focusing on content creation, JD.com aims to enhance its brand image, user stickiness, and attract and maintain a sufficiently large user traffic pool to become JD's e-commerce users.
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