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Why do we still spend hundreds of billions to aid Africa when our people have not completely lifted themselves out of poverty?

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According to the previously released "White Paper on China's Foreign Aid Situation", from 2019 to 2021, China provided a total of 256.29 billion yuan (approximately 40 billion US dollars) in foreign aid, including 106.2 billion yuan in free aid and 76.54 billion yuan in interest free aid. Loans and preferential treatment. The loan is 73.55 billion yuan.
It is worth mentioning that African countries account for almost half of the billions in foreign aid funds. From this, it can be seen that China attaches great importance to the African people.
However, many people do not accept this foreign aid project. Opponents believe that if these billions of funds were not used for poverty reduction in Africa, but rather for domestic development and job creation, wouldn't it be better?
Moreover, although China's poverty alleviation plans have been very successful in recent years, many people still have not been able to completely lift themselves out of poverty. Is it premature or premature to allocate a large amount of funds to help African countries at this time?
In fact, many people have negative misunderstandings and feelings because they do not understand the core of things. Next, the editor explained from three aspects how important it is to help Africa, very important!
The first aspect: 'This money is not that money'. The funding for aid to Africa mainly comes from foreign exchange reserves.
Foreign exchange reserves are assets held by monetary authorities in various countries that can be exchanged for foreign currencies at any time, that is, foreign exchange reserves held by governments. For example, a company made $10 million selling lamps abroad, but if they want to spend the money domestically, they have to take it to the bank to exchange it for RMB. At present, a foreign exchange reserve of 10 million US dollars has been formed.
But it is difficult for banks to use this money domestically. If they cannot use it, it will lead to an increasing amount of RMB on the ground. In addition, spending this money domestically will undoubtedly lead to severe inflation and make people's coins worthless. This is absolutely unacceptable. So, the most effective way to handle this money is to find a way to spend it abroad.
So, what makes Africa worth Chinese investment? When it comes to Africa, many people may first think of "poverty" and backwardness. But in fact, Africa has always been a country rich in natural resources, with a population of 1.3 billion. If Africa's natural resources can be imported steadily in the long term, it will be of great benefit to our country.
So our country is willing to provide a large amount of interest free loans to Africa and use these to export various technologies, so that Africa can improve its infrastructure such as roads, railways, ports, and better cooperate with us.
Another consideration is that investing in Africa has mutually beneficial economic benefits.
For the strong support for Africa, many people may think that after so many years, Africa has become stronger and stronger with the help of our country. So are they "abandoning" us for their own interests? Actually, we have already thought of this issue, so don't worry. Because in assisting various infrastructure projects in Africa, whether it is the materials used, key technologies, grid standards, and facilities supporting future upgrades, all come from China. This not only enhances the reputation and status of Chinese manufacturing standards in the world, but also eliminates concerns about finding alternative solutions after the rise of Africa.
On the other hand, if the import of natural resources from Africa is stable, China can also overcome the influence of those "bandit" energy importing countries and gradually solve the import problem of key natural resources such as oil.
The third aspect: helping Africa demonstrate a sense of responsibility as a major country.
Africa and China are a community of shared destiny. As early as Zheng He's voyages to the West, the two countries established friendly diplomatic relations and have maintained friendly cooperation and mutual benefit for many years. In addition, helping Africa is also a fair move for our country and a sense of responsibility for major powers. This is beneficial for China's future reputation and position in the world. It can be seen that helping Africa is very meaningful.
In summary, China invests a large amount of funds every year to assist Africa, not to show its love and kindness, but to make the right decision after careful consideration. I don't know what everyone thinks about this?
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