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Significantly reduce the development threshold! Robin Lee brings new tools for "three-step development of a native application"

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On April 16, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, introduced the AI native application development tool AppBuilder in the keynote speech of the Create 2024 Baidu AI Developers Conference. He said: "AppBuilder, it is the best AI native application development tool at present. On AppBuilder, we packaged and preset various components and frameworks required for developing AI native applications in advance, greatly reducing the development threshold. It only takes three steps at the earliest, and developers can develop an AI native application in natural language, and can easily publish it to various business environments."
On the spot, Robin Lee demonstrated the creation process of an AI native application through three cases generated by "Amusement Park Queue Assistant", "Huadian AI Assistant" of North China Electric Power University and Baidu Wenku Smart Cartoon. Simply set the name, fill in the role instructions, and insert components to create an AI native application.
Robin Lee said that AppBuilder has two advantages: "First, it has powerful functions. Relying on Wenxin 4.0's ability to understand and follow instructions, our AppBuilder can ensure that cold start can reach a good level, and it will not take a long time to optimize due to poor results, which greatly reduces the development threshold. Relying on search enhancement technology, namely RAG, in typical scenarios such as knowledge Q&A, our Q&A accuracy and friendly response rate have reached more than 95%, significantly surpassing other similar products. AppBuilder also provides rich and complete component tools, including Baidu Search and other AI capability components based on Baidu's years of technology accumulation, large model capability components, as well as Baidu's exclusive open business components, etc., a total of 55 components. As well as third-party APIs for some mainstream scenarios, such as flight query, paper query, etc. We have just supported custom components, so that customers can directly interface with their own proprietary tools and data. These rich components together support the efficient development of AI native applications. Second, they are simple and easy to use. With AppBuilder, you can quickly create applications and distribute them with just three steps. We also support open-source SDKs to facilitate secondary development
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