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Next week's focus: March economic data will be released, and these investment opportunities are the most reliable

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【 Heavy news 】
The release of economic data for March is imminent
On April 16, the National Bureau of Statistics will release economic data such as industrial added value, fixed assets investment and total retail sales of consumer goods in March.
Zhongtai Securities expects a year-on-year growth rate of 5% in the added value of industries above designated size nationwide in March. Against the background of improved demand, rising manufacturing landscape, rising real estate sales, and a large recovery slope of infrastructure operating rate, it is expected that the cumulative growth rate of fixed assets investment in March will rise by 0.3 percentage points to about 4.5% year on year. It is expected that in March, with the base returning to normal, the social zero will increase by 5.5% year-on-year, remaining unchanged from January to February.
The Canton Fair will open on April 15th
According to CCTV News, the 135th Canton Fair will be held in Guangzhou from April 15th to May 5th. The exhibition area of the 135th Canton Fair reached 1.55 million square meters. A total of 28600 enterprises participated in the export exhibition, including over 4300 new enterprises and 680 enterprises participating in the import exhibition.
Among the participating companies in the 135th Canton Fair, there were over 5500 national high-tech enterprises, manufacturing industry champions, and specialized, refined, unique, and new small giants, an increase of 20% compared to the previous session.
Multiple industry conferences will be held
According to Baidu Weibo, the 2024 Baidu Create AI Developer Conference will be held in Shenzhen on April 16th. According to the Securities Times, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, will deliver a speech with the theme of "Everyone is a creator". This is Robin Lee's first speech in 2024.
In addition, the World Internet Conference Digital Silk Road Development Forum will be held on April 16. The 2024 Global 6G Technology Conference will be held in Nanjing from April 16th to 18th. The Huawei Analyst Conference will be held in Shenzhen from April 17th to 19th.
Finished oil products will face a price adjustment window
According to the "ten working days" principle, this round of refined oil price adjustment will start at 24:00 on April 16th. Longzhong Information predicts that there is a high probability of an increase in refined oil prices in this round. The institution stated that OPEC+production reduction will continue in the second quarter, and Russia plans to increase production reduction efforts. In addition, the instability of the geopolitical situation has not been eliminated, and local demand is expected to continue to recover. Overall, the current favorable fundamentals still hold the upper hand.
Unlocking of restricted shares with a market value of 38.326 billion yuan next week
According to Wind data statistics, a total of 55 companies will gradually lift their restricted shares next week (April 15th April 19th), with a total of 3.787 billion shares lifted. Based on the closing price on April 12th, the total market value of the lifted shares is 38.326 billion yuan.
According to the closing price on April 12th, the top three companies with lifted market capitalization are Yingli Automobile (6.546 billion yuan), Nuohe Zhiyuan (3.852 billion yuan), and Huashu High tech (3.06 billion yuan). In terms of the number of individual stocks that have been lifted from restrictions, the top three are Yingli Automobile (1.299 billion shares), Jidian Corporation (344 million shares), and Qingxin Environment (322 million shares).
[New Stock Opportunities]
Next week, one new stock will be listed
According to Wind data, there will be no new stock issuance on A-shares next week, but only one new stock will be listed.
On the evening of April 11th, Hongxin Technology disclosed its listing announcement, stating that its stock will be listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's ChiNext board on April 15th, with the stock code 301539. The company's main business is the research and development, design, manufacturing, and sales of forged aluminum alloy wheels for automobiles. Its main products include commercial vehicle wheels and passenger car wheels.
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