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On the salary ranking in Europe, Switzerland ranks first, closely following the three small bullet countries, and Germany is the best among the big countries

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The first official account of financial life in Europe.
Xiaofu Lu, a financial writer living in Europe, is the editor in chief of the European magazine "REEC". She has published books such as "21st Century Economic Report" and Sina Global Opinion Leaders Column, and has published "Practical Handbook for European Investment".
Appointed as the "Global Investment Ambassador" of the Portuguese government, authorized to conduct investment promotion activities, with 30 honorary titles.
Based in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, with three working languages: English, French, and German, we engage in investment and M&A business across Europe.
"Express reprint" has been opened, and other official account are welcome to reprint as required.
Europe is a relatively developed and affluent region as a whole, but there are also significant differences between regional countries.
Some countries are large but poor, while others are small but wealthier.
The latest salary ranking in Europe has arrived, let's see who is rich and who is poor?
Source: manners.nl
In order to find the average salary of all European countries, Dutch media Manners.nl referred to the "Average Salary Survey" report. Through 150000 questionnaires, this website provides accurate global wage data.
There are 38 European countries included in the statistics, excluding Ukraine and Kosovo, which is not included in the dispute.
The following is the average annual salary data for European countries, divided into two indicators: pre tax and post tax.
Let's take a look at the situation in the first half of the rich countries.
1. Undoubtedly, Switzerland firmly holds the top spot, with an annual salary of 87325 euros after tax, equivalent to 675000 RMB.
Translated into domestic job positions, it is appropriate to be the vice president or director of a large group.
Darling, this is the average salary, per capita Vice President or Director
Image caption: Switzerland
2. Following closely Switzerland are three small bullet countries, Denmark, Norway, and Luxembourg, with annual salaries after tax of 48000, 51000, and 53000.
Due to Denmark's heavy taxation, Norway and Luxembourg have slightly higher after tax wages.
The economic advantages of these three countries are different.
Denmark relies on developed traditional industries such as shipping, wind power, pork farming, etc. These industries are closely related to high-tech, but the high-tech color is not so strong. Essentially, they are traditional segmented industries that require large-scale investment barriers. Denmark has long cultivated in these fields, forming a unique competitive advantage.
These industries may seem unremarkable, but if new group companies come in, they will face huge investment and industry risks. Therefore, Denmark is firmly committed to these industries, with more than enough success and stability.
Image caption: Denmark
And Norway is the Saudi Arabia of Europe, a rare country in Europe that relies on energy to make a fortune. After the outbreak of the Russo Ukrainian War, Russia's oil and gas were shut down, and Norway's oil and gas became a hot commodity, earning a lot of money.
Image caption: Norway
Luxembourg is located between France and Germany and became rich through international finance. More than 160 international banks and tens of thousands of fund companies have supported Luxembourg's financial position.
Image caption: Luxembourg
Among the major countries with a population of over 50 million, Germany performs the best, ranking fifth. The UK ranks 7th, France 10th, Italy 15th, and Spain 17th.
Image caption: Frankfurt, Germany
4. The rich countries in Europe are basically occupied by the traditional concept of "Western European" countries, which also includes the concept of Nordic countries.
And the southern European countries are indeed relatively weak, with Italy ranking 15th, Spain 17th, and Cyprus (a southern European island country sandwiched between Greece and Syria) 19th.
Image caption: Bologna, Italy
Slovenia, located in Eastern Europe, ranks 18th and is the wealthiest among Eastern European countries, as well as the most successful former socialist country in terms of transformation.
This small country was actually the wealthiest franchise country during the former Yugoslavia era.
Image caption: Lake Bred, Slovenia
After looking at the first half of Europe's rich country list, let's take a look at the second half of the poor country list.
Overall, the situation in underdeveloped countries in southern Europe is basically similar to that of excellent students in Eastern European countries.
Portugal and Greece, the poor countries in southern Europe, are goalkeepers in developed European countries.
Some developed countries in Eastern Europe have already reached the threshold of developed countries and are new players who have just come on as substitutes.
Picture caption: Wave watching tourism in Portugal
2. It is worth noting that Russia's ranking has significantly increased, except for Latvia, which is Russia leading these poor countries in the second half of Europe.
This is an economic report released by Dutch media, so there will be no situation of salary beautification for Russia.
The average salary of Russians is 32000 euros, equivalent to approximately 240000 yuan, which is equivalent to the salary level of small leaders in Chinese provincial capitals or ordinary white-collar workers in large cities.
Image caption: Russia
The three poorest European countries are Macedonia, Albania, and Moldova.
It goes without saying that Moldova is rich in the most beautiful girls in Europe, but the salary level is too low, equivalent to 5000 to 7000 RMB per month.
Moldova and Ukraine compete year-round for the status of "the poorest country in Europe".
Picture caption: The scenery and beauty of Moldova
As for Macedonia and Albania, they are both neighboring countries of Greece, and Greece's neighboring countries are very poor. In fact, this also implies something from one side
Perhaps Greece's true economic level has been overestimated
Image caption: Greek island
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