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When Sima Nan mentioned that "the Chinese and American economy can be expected," fans blew it up again!

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Jin Canrong, Director of the China Center for Foreign Strategic Studies at Renmin University of China, was a professor who firmly supported Russia after the start of the Russo Ukrainian War. He repeatedly proposed the view that "the United States will lose, Ukraine will lose".
But some time ago, he suddenly took an unusual attitude, saying that Russia also has responsibility for the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and we cannot support Russia, which made Professor Jin's own numerous fans look at each other and become confused. As soon as the leading expert changed direction, the fans below immediately lost their heads and didn't know what to do.
Don't they have even a little bit of their own understanding?
I don't think so.
Today, I saw another interesting Weibo post, where a blogger said, "Have you ever thought about why the United States is so developed? For over 200 years, this country has had a great environment, advanced systems, flexible wit, innovative spirit, and great respect for individual rights... In China, Steve Jobs couldn't survive, and the tolerant spirit of the United States created a good environment, which has led to outstanding talents from all over the world going to the United States
Generally speaking, these words are sure to be scolded when spoken. Of course, I am not disappointed. Below this content, it is a mockery, satirizing the blogger's "licking beauty".
However, this blogger is "fishing" because this paragraph is not what he said, but what Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei said.
Earlier, the blogger posted a video of Ren Zhengfei saying these words and stated that Ren Zhengfei would support them. In other words, he might be chased and scolded to death.
In fact, below the video, everyone's comments are completely in a different style.
You see, there are some people who don't think independently, and they don't care about any facts. They just have a passionate heart. He always believed that even if others could produce guns while he could only produce machetes himself, working together would be able to repel the enemy. He didn't learn anything about middle school history.
Of course, such people also have great value, such as Li Yi, Jin Canrong, and Sima Nan. They are particularly fond of them and need them to follow them like puppets.
The key is that these people are particularly 'firm' or 'loyal'.
For example, is Sima Nan an iron like anti American molecule? Previously, it was exposed that I bought a house in the United States, but fans still stick to it. Why? Because Sima Nan said he bought it decades ago and casually played with it, but he never went to live there.
Recently, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will visit the United States. As soon as Sima Nan saw a change in the situation, he immediately began to talk about the "China US economy and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States can be expected".
Accustomed to cursing American fans, of course, they can't keep up with his pace, but what about that? Just because we can't keep up with Sima Nan's shift in perspective doesn't mean we can't blow it? For example, under Sima Nan's Weibo account "China US economy can be expected" today, there was a comment praising Sima Nan's "integrity", "He doesn't care what others think of him, he only insists on the facts, he says whatever the facts are
Fans can help him achieve this level of mindlessness, indicating his "determination to recognize people".
Factualism is very important; The ability to think independently is more important. Because when you have the ability to think independently, believe in your own judgment, and are willing to accept situations where your judgment is wrong, you can only be factual.
For example, in the following scene, a hostage released by Hamas after mediation between the United States and Egypt talks about his feelings when he was controlled by Hamas.
In a Reuters report, she said she had experienced hellish days.
In the Observer Network report, she said that Hamas is very friendly and takes care of herself very well.
Who do you believe in at such times?
This requires us to make our own judgments. You need to understand the purpose of Hamas taking hostages, understand the historical grievances between Arabs and Jews, understand what kind of chaos is currently happening in the Middle East, and so on. You also need to judge which of the "waits" you have learned, which are true and which are false
This is a quite tedious process, which directly dissuades most people. But the fact is, every time you encounter a similar 'problem', you will think and make judgments on your own. Gradually, you will categorize people who often lie into one category, and the sources of information that adhere to the facts into another category. At that time, when you see a 'question', you will quickly get the answer, which you can judge for yourself.
We can be lazy to communicate or refute, but we cannot be lazy to think or have our own attitude.
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