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Xiaomi is empty again! The car industry is shaking, and both Wenjie and Tesla have taken action

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Xiaomi Motors has once again sparked a frenzy of panic buying, and at exactly 12:00 noon on April 1st, the second round of additional sales for Xiaomi's inaugural version was sold out in seconds.
Lei Jun: Refusing scalpers and engaging in malicious buying behavior!
On April 1st, according to the official Weibo account of Xiaomi Motors, the initial version of Xiaomi SU7 was officially launched for sale at 12:00 am. It is understood that the initial version of Xiaomi SU7 has a deposit of 20000 yuan, and the order will be locked upon placing the order; Users who have already placed orders for non original versions can also participate in this round of sales. After successful placement, the original order can be converted to the original version.
Previously, Xiaomi Group Chairman Lei Jun posted on Weibo on the evening of March 31st, stating: "During the ordering process of the Xiaomi SU7 founding version, we identified and intercepted some abnormal orders and scalper orders, so we will start the second round of surprise additional sales."
Lei Jun stated that Xiaomi has always been committed to providing consumers with a fair, just, and open sales environment, and resolutely cracking down on scalpers and malicious buying behavior. He thanked the majority of consumers for their support and understanding, and called on everyone to make rational purchases and not blindly follow the trend or participate in scalping behavior.
Lei Jun also mentioned on Weibo that when users lock the configuration, Xiaomi Automobile Factory will start production according to the configuration you set. Users can see the approximate progress and estimated delivery time from the Xiaomi car app. Before locking the configuration, users can also view the expected delivery cycle corresponding to each configuration combination at the bottom of the "Start Configuration" optional installation process page; After locking the configuration, users can also check the estimated delivery time on the "View Orders" page.
At present, the initial version is a current vehicle and will be officially delivered gradually from April 3rd.
At noon today, in response to Tesla's official Weibo announcement that on the first day of April, the Starry Sky Grey car paint, originally priced at 12000 yuan, was available as a free option for Model 3/Y, Lei Jun said, "We have chosen the three most beautiful colors of the Xiaomi Su7 for free: Bay Blue, Olive Green, and Ya Grey. Do you support Xiaomi's strategy, or do you suggest that we choose a Starry Sky Grey color for free like Tesla?"
In addition, Xu Jieyun, Special Assistant to the Chairman of Xiaomi Group and Deputy General Manager of the Marketing Department in China, posted on Weibo on April 1st, saying, "I saw media citing so-called 'insiders' to say that the number of lock orders for Xiaomi SU7 is wrong."
Previously, according to media reports, as of the afternoon of March 30th, according to the latest internal data of Xiaomi Motors, the "lock order quantity" of the Xiaomi SU7 model has exceeded 20000 units, surpassing 99% of new energy vehicle manufacturers on the market, sparking discussions.
The price war for new energy vehicles is scorching!
The entry of Xiaomi SU7 has once again ignited the new energy vehicle market.
On March 31st, Xiaomi Group Chairman Lei Jun posted on Weibo, saying, "I heard that sales of new energy vehicles have all increased this weekend. That's great! New energy vehicle companies should unite and work together to promote industry progress!"
Early this morning, news of a price reduction came from the Wenjie New M7.
On April 1st, the Hongmeng Zhixing App showed that the price of the entry-level model of the Wenjie New M7- the M7 Plus large five seater rear wheel drive version - was reduced by 20000 yuan from 249800 yuan to 229800 yuan. The new M7 Max five seater rear wheel drive intelligent driving version has been adjusted from the original price of 289800 yuan to 279800 yuan, and the technology comfort package is still included as a gift. However, the effective condition for reducing the price by 20000 yuan is a limited time discount, and a deposit must be paid before April 30th to enjoy it. Although the Wenjie New M7 model is different from the newly launched Xiaomi SU7, the starting price is already close to the standard version price of the Xiaomi SU7, which is 215900 yuan.
In addition to asking questions, Geely Automobile has also launched a discount in April. After combining replacement subsidies and dealer discounts, some models under Geely can enjoy a maximum discount of 53000 yuan. In addition, financial policies provide interest free loans of up to 100000 yuan.
Before entering the market, the mid-term facelift of the Geely Krypton 001, which is positioned similarly to the Xiaomi SU7, saw a price reduction of 31000 yuan to 269000 yuan for the entry-level model, despite the overall cost increase. On April 1st, Geely Krypton announced that the Geely Krypton 007 rear wheel drive enhanced version was officially launched, with a starting price of 209900 yuan.
Today, NIO announced that in response to the "Consumer Goods Exchange Action", NIO will launch a maximum subsidy of 1 billion yuan for gasoline vehicle replacement, applicable to the 2024 NIO model. Starting from April 1st, users of gasoline vehicles who replace NIO's new cars will receive an additional 10000 yuan subsidy from the optional installation fund; After considering other benefits, you can receive a total of up to 15000 yuan in optional funds, one NIO Phone voucher worth 6498 yuan, 36 battery swapping vouchers worth approximately 3600 yuan, and one year of use rights for Global Navigation Assistance (NOP+) worth 4560 yuan.
Xiaopeng Motors also announced today that the 2024 Xiaopeng G9 will receive a smart driving subsidy upon purchase, with a current limited time reduction of up to 20000 yuan, starting at 243900 yuan.
Tesla Model Y prices increase across the entire range
On April 1st, Tesla China's official website showed that the price of the Model Y model increased by 5000 yuan across the entire range. Among them, the price of the rear wheel drive version has been raised to 263900 yuan, the price of the long endurance version has been raised to 304900 yuan, and the price of the high-performance version has been raised to 368900 yuan.
As early as late March this year, reporters learned from within Tesla China that Tesla will soon raise prices on April 1st. Regarding this, Lei Jun once posted on Weibo, saying, "I saw rumors that Tesla will raise prices on April 1st. Tesla is too competitive, and I truly admire it: in the current electric vehicle market, competition is so fierce, only Tesla dares to raise prices."
However, while raising prices, Tesla also announced today that the Starry Sky Grey car paint, originally priced at 12000 yuan, is a free optional model 3/Y.
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