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Looking for the next NVIDIA? Investors bet that hardware companies will stand out from the AI wave

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has boosted a group of stocks related to it, among which NVIDIA is the most representative. However, how can passionate investors spare other "corners"?
According to reports, although these "new favorites" may not have the appeal of a single business like Nvidia, hardware companies that provide infrastructure for AI computing are becoming the next hot deal.
Although companies such as Micron, Microelectronics, and Dell have received returns due to good performance, expectations for the next financial reporting season are increasing.
According to statistics, nearly half of the constituent stocks in the Philadelphia Semiconductor Index have risen by at least 10% this year, bringing the index's market to sales ratio to its highest level in at least 20 years.
"The key is to recognize who truly monetizes artificial intelligence," said Michael Sansotra, Chief Investment Officer of Silver Capital Management LLC, an asset management company
According to analysis, these gains highlight a trend that is brewing in the field of artificial intelligence, as investors are looking for stocks that may replicate Nvidia's stunning returns. Nvidia still stands out in the processor market that powers artificial intelligence workloads.
But artificial intelligence also involves many other components, including memory chips, servers, and network components. Not to mention the equipment used to manufacture chips themselves.
"The competition is becoming increasingly fierce," said Brian Mulberry, client portfolio manager at Zacks Investment Management Inc. "You can gain excitement and vitality in this industry through other means."
Last month, the stock price of Micron rose by about 30%, surpassing NVIDIA's 16% increase. Since announcing its performance, this storage chip manufacturer has consistently performed well. In addition, Dell's stock price also jumped to a record high in early March, after the company's sales and profits related to artificial intelligence exceeded Wall Street expectations.
Not to mention the supercomputer, also known as the "AI wind vane". After being included in the S&P 500 index this month, the company's stock price rose by 18%. The company will release its financial report on May 2nd. To maintain the upward trend, the company needs to meet market expectations for quarterly revenue growth of over 200%.
However, despite the spread of the upward trend, some chip manufacturers such as Broadcom and AMD who are trying to catch up with Nvidia are facing significant pressure due to lagging behind industry leaders in performance.
After underperformance, the stock price of Broadcom experienced a sharp drop in early March; AMD also provided weak quarterly revenue guidance in January.
Due to Nvidia still facing high expectations, for some bullish people, it may be time to determine the next big winner in the wave of artificial intelligence.
"We have ample reason to continue believing that Nvidia's stock price will rise, but it will no longer achieve a 100% return," Mulberry said. "Looking ahead to the next three years, they (hardware companies) may achieve better investment returns."
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