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Did the United States escape closure? Yellen admits: It's very dangerous! Or transfer the debt crisis to these four countries

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In the era of increasingly deepening globalization, our lives are closely linked to the economies of various countries, like an intricate spider web. Every small impact can cause a chain reaction in this network.
Should you borrow money from smiling neighbors to pay the rent? So we need to borrow money from another neighbor next month? This subtle 'debt card' game is not the only interlude we can encounter in our lives.
Expanding to the national level, this is the financial situation of the United States today. Imagine the world's largest economy playing a dangerous card game. This not only concerns the future of the United States, but may also have a significant impact on the global economy.
1. The US version of debt "one country, two systems"
The United States is known as the country with the most resemblance to a large economy in the world and a fortress of financial and political stability. In recent years, it has shown the characteristics of "one country, two systems" in debt issues.
The term 'one country, two systems' here does not refer to China's special administrative region policy, but rather to the dual character exhibited by the US government in dealing with debt issues.
Imagine having a friend who is always heavily in debt and has to borrow money from different people every month to repay last month's debt. It sounds like an irresponsible person, but would you be surprised if I told you that this "friend" is actually from the United States?
This is precisely the fiscal strategy of the US government. In order to avoid a government shutdown, the US Congress has had to repeatedly raise the debt ceiling. This strategy may seem like a short-term solution, but in reality it carries huge risks. Every time the debt ceiling is raised, the US government's debt burden increases.
The continuous accumulation of debt may lead to distrust in future financial markets, leading to a global financial crisis.
Why is the United States, known as the world's economic leader, embroiled in a "debt card"? The reason behind it is simple: political disputes. The two major political parties in the United States, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have deep differences on budget issues.
In this context, raising the debt ceiling has become the easiest consensus for both parties to reach. This strategy of sacrificing economic health for political purposes not only damages the international reputation of the United States, but also brings uncertainty to the global economy.
So, how long can the United States' "one country, two systems" strategy continue? No one can provide a clear answer to this question. But we all know that debt is a double-edged sword. In the short term, it can help the government maintain economic growth and social stability.
But in the long run, excessive debt can cause economic pressure and may lead to financial market collapse.
Therefore, the United States must quickly find a long-term sustainable fiscal strategy to ensure economic stability and health. Otherwise, this country, known as a global economic leader, may trigger a global financial crisis due to its irresponsible fiscal strategy.
2. Four countries cannot escape the debt "whirlwind"
The global economy is becoming more complex and countries have closer relationships. In this big family, America will always be a brother.
But in recent years, the US debt problem has worsened. This is not only a problem itself, but also an issue that can affect the entire global economy. So which countries are most likely to bear the brunt of this financial crisis?
I have to mention China. As the largest creditor of the United States, the economic fate of China and the United States is closely related. In the past decades, China has purchased a large amount of US treasury bond, which has become an important means of supporting China US trade relations.
However, as the US debt problem worsens, the value of these treasury bond may face significant risks. If the United States defaults on its debt, the value of treasury bond held by China may fall sharply, which is undoubtedly a great blow to China's economy.
Then there is Japan, which, like China, is also a major creditor of the United States. But Japan itself also faces enormous debt pressure. The instability of the US economy may exacerbate Japan's economic difficulties.
Especially since Japan itself is already facing long-term deflation and weak economic growth, the economic problems in the United States may become even more severe.
Looking at the European Union, this economy is composed of many European countries with close trade relations with the United States. Many European countries are important trading partners of the United States, and the impact on the US economy may directly affect European exports.
Considering some economic issues in the EU, such as the debt problems of southern European countries, the instability of the US economy may pose greater challenges to the EU.
And Mexico. As an important neighbor and trading partner of the United States, the economic destiny of Mexico and the United States is closely linked. Many industries in Mexico have direct connections with the United States, and economic issues in the United States may have a direct impact.
Considering the structural issues of the Mexican economy, such as high dependence on oil exports and social instability, the economic problems of the United States may have a greater impact.
The debt problem of the United States is not only its own problem, but also a problem that can affect many countries around the world. These four countries, due to their close relationship with the United States, were able to withstand the financial crisis and have also become victims of this financial crisis.
This also reminds us once again that the fate of the global economy is universal, and the economic problems of any country can have a significant impact on other countries.
I wish I knew earlier, "we often say, but often, when the truth is revealed, it's too late. The US debt problem is not just a US problem, it may have a global impact. We cannot sit idly by and solve problems ourselves. However, it is important to be prepared in advance to deal with potential risks.
I hope that leaders of all countries can find a solution as soon as possible, rather than continuing this "debt card". As ordinary people, we also need to pay attention to this global issue, as it directly affects our lives.
What do you think of this matter? Welcome to leave a comment and discuss in the comment section!
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