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Apple Phone Carries ERNIE Bot? News reports that Apple is in talks with Baidu about cooperation

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On the evening of March 22nd, according to Securities Times citing US media reports, Apple is in negotiations with Baidu to use Baidu's artificial intelligence generation technology on Apple devices.
On the evening of March 22nd Beijing time, Baidu's US stock market opened up more than 3%. As of press release, Baidu reported a price of $102.99 per share, up 1.27%.
The above report mentioned that Apple and Baidu held preliminary talks on the former's use of Baidu's artificial intelligence generation technology in Chinese devices. Apple has been exploring the use of external partners to help accelerate its AI ambitions and has discussed using their technology with multiple companies, including Google and OpenAI. The discussion is still in the exploratory stage. It is currently unclear whether Apple has had any contact with other Chinese artificial intelligence companies.
Previously, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, disclosed on Baidu's 2023 fourth quarter and annual financial report conference that the daily adjustment of Wenxin model has exceeded 50 million times, with a quarter on quarter increase of 190%; In December, about 26000 companies called the Wenxin Big Model, with a quarter on quarter growth of 150%. At present, well-known companies such as Samsung, Honor, and Autohome have all reached cooperation with Baidu.
Robin Lee also said at the above conference call that since its release, Baidu has continuously reduced the reasoning cost of Wenxin model, which has now been reduced to 1% of the version in March last year. With the reduction of inference costs, more and more users and enterprises are starting to use the Wen Xin Da model.
According to Baidu, in 2023, top companies such as Samsung, Honor, and Autohome have all reached partnerships with Baidu. Taking Samsung as an example, its latest flagship phone, the Galaxy S24 series, integrates multiple capabilities of the Wenxin model, including calling, translation, intelligence, etc., especially the "circle and search" function, which has attracted attention. Users only need to make simple gestures such as drawing circles and lines on text and images to obtain accurate search results.
In addition, in terms of the competition for long text capability, on the evening of the 22nd, according to a source quoted by the Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, Baidu ERNIE Bot will upgrade its version next month, and then it will also open its long text capability, which will range from 2 million to 5 million words. At present, the text limit of ERNIE Bot is about 28000 words.
On the evening of March 22nd, a reporter from the Daily Economic News sought confirmation from Baidu regarding the cooperation between Baidu and Apple and the opening of long text capabilities. As of the time of publication, no effective response has been received.
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